Mar 6, 1475
Michelangelo Buonarroti was bron
Michelangelo was born on March 6th, 1475. He was born in Florence, Italy. He was born in a town called Caprese -
Jan 1, 1481
Michelangelo's mother died
Michelangelo's mother passed away in 1481. When she passed away, Michelangelo was only six years old. He was left to live with his father who lived on the income from his land and a few official appointments. -
Jan 1, 1488
Michelangelo was apprenticed to Domenico Ghirlandaio
Michelangelo was apprenticed to Domenico Ghirlandaio. At the time, Domenico Ghirlandaio was the most fashionable painter in Florence. He was apprenticed when he was only 13. -
Jan 1, 1492
Michelangelo started his earliest sculpture
Michelangelo created his earliest sculpture. The sculpture he had made was a stone relief. The stone relief structure was exacuted when he was about 17 years old. -
Jan 1, 1492
Lorenzo de' Medici died
Lorenzo de' Medici had died in 1942. Soon after, Medici fell from power. Michelangelo fled from Florence to Bologna. -
Jan 1, 1496
James IV invades Northumberland
James IV of Scotland invaded Northumberland. He invaded Northumberland in 1946. The reason of this was to support Perkin Warbeck. -
Jan 1, 1496
Jesus College was founded
Juses College, located in Cambridge was founded. It was founded by John Alcock. John Alcock founded the college in 1496. -
Jan 1, 1496
Marino Sanundo started writing his diary
Marino Sanudo started writing a diary in !496. The diary was written about Venetian life. The diary was also written about venetian politics. -
Jan 1, 1496
Romano Pane first described tobacoo plant
Romano Pane was a monk who was the first to describe the tobacco plant. He also accompanied Columbus on his trip. Romano pane described the tobacco plant in1496. -
Jan 1, 1496
Columbus returns
In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed through the ocean around the world. In 1496, Columbus returned from his second voyage. His second voyage lasted 2 years and 8.5 months. -
Jan 1, 1496
Henry VII commissions Venetian navigator
IN 1496, Henry VII Commissioned the Venetian navigator. The Venetian navigator was a voyage that John Cobat and his son Sebastion went on. On this voyage, the two men discovered a new trade route to Asia. -
Jan 1, 1498
Michelangelo is assigned to a banker
Michelangelo was assigned to a banker in 1498. Under this banker, came Michelangelo's first important commission. This important commission is called the Pieta, and is now located in St. Peter's. -
Jan 1, 1501
Michelangelo returns to Florence
In 1501, Michelangelo returned to Florence, italy, from Bologna. Many people recognized him when he had returned. H was known as the most talented sculptor of central Italy. -
Jan 1, 1505
Michelangelo designed Pope Julius II's tomb
In 1505, Michelangelo started Pope Julius iI's tomb. The tomb contained forty life size statues. it took him forty years to sculpt. Michelangelo complained that creating this piece stole his youth. -
Jan 1, 1508
Michelangelo decorated the Sistine Chapel
In 1508, Michelangelo was ordered to paint the celing of the Chief Vatican Chapel. He was ordered to by Julius. Another name for the Chief Vatican Chapel is the Sistine. -
Feb 20, 1564
Michelangelo died
Michelangelo died on Februray 20th, in 1564. He died before he had the chance to finish the dome at the top of St. Peter's Basilica. Since he wasnt around to finish it, another architect had to finish the dome for him.