May 7, 1475
Michelangelo is Born
Michelangelo is born in Caprese, Italy. His father is a mayor and has an unknown mother. Soon after his birth, he was sent to live in Settignano after his father was recalled to Florence. (Lace, 26) -
Period: May 7, 1475 to Jan 1, 1564
Michelangelos's life Span
Jan 1, 1488
Michelangelo Begins His Journey
Michelangelo is apprenticed to Domencico Ghirlandaion in Florence. He starts his journey of life when he learns about his love for art here. Ghirlandaion teaches him about the things it takes to become a great artist. He teaches him how to paint,draw..etc. (Lace, 27) -
Jan 1, 1488
Southern Tip of Africa is Rounded
The Portuguese mariner Bartolomeu Dias opened a sea route from Europe to Asia by rounding the tip of Africa. He rounded the Cape of Good Hope and eventually made his way into the Indian Ocean. This was significant becuase the land route had been closed by the Ottoman Empire. -
Nov 15, 1490
Michelangelo finds out that he was appointed to a term of six months as a Podesta of Chiusi and Caprese. Two small towns that lay 40 miles East and South of Florence. This is when he becomes known. (Coughlin, 9) -
Oct 11, 1492
Columbus Discovers the New World
Christopher Columbus led his three famous ships out of Spain on August 3, 1492. He intended to sail west, to the Indies, in search of gold and pearls. He eventually reached the Canary Islands where still weather kept his ships until September 6. He and his anxious crew finally reached land on October 11. ("Christopher Columbus Discovers America, 1492" 1) -
Mar 1, 1504
First Great Painting
Michelangelo is Commissioned to paint the Battle of Cascina on the wall of council hall in Florence's Palazzo Recchio. In this same year he is Summoned to Rome by Julius II. He is commissioned to make his tomb. (Coughlin, 9) -
Oct 31, 1512
The Reveal of the Cistine Chapel
The painting of the ceiling of the Cistine Chapel began with several problems. After painting 300 figures, a fungus was discovered in the plaster and the work had to be torn down. Michelangelo felt that all of his assistants were inept so he fired them. Michelangelo completed the project alone. The ceiling was 65 feet and the artist did all of the work on his back. ("Michelangelo.biography" 2) -
Jan 1, 1520
Two Great Works
Michelangelo was commissioned to built a tomb chapel for two young Medici dukes. Both featured images of the deceased but one was designed with figures depicting morning and evening while the other depicted day and night. Directly opposite, the Biblioteca Laurenziana, was being erected to house Pope Leo X's books. Some of the artist's most stunning works are found in its entrance hall and staircase. ("Michaelangelo", 394) -
Jan 1, 1534
Michelangelo moves to Rome.
Michelangelo suffers the loss of his father. He leaves Florence for the last time. Michelangelo leaves for Rome. ("Michelangelo", 394) -
Jan 1, 1536
The Last Judgement
The Last Judgment was designed for for Pope Paul III and appears on the end wall of the Sistine Chapel. The design features two groups of angels, directed by Christ. Some beings are being pushed down to hell while others are being saved. It was also during this time that Michelangelo painted frescoes in the Pauline Chapel in the Vatican ("Michelangelo Biography", 1) -
Jan 1, 1546
Chief Architect Appointment for the Reconstruction of St. Peter's
In 1546 Michelangelo was appointed chief architect for the reconstruction of St. Peter's by Pope Paul III. He held this position seventeen years. He compled the drum of the dome but the project was not actually finished. His original clay model can be seen at the Vatican. -
Jan 1, 1547
Henry VIII Dies
Henry the VIII became the King of England on April 21, 1509. He was Lord and then King of Ireland and laid claim to the kindom of France. He was the second monarch in the house of Tudor. Henry is most notorious for his 6 marriages (two which ended in execution) and as the one responsible for separating from the Catholic Church and establishing the Church of England. -
Jan 1, 1553
A Published Biography
Michelangelo was the first artist in Western history to have his biography published while he was alive. The painter and architect, Giorgio Vassari added him as the last chapter in a series of artists' lives. The first was the final chapter in the series of artists’ lives. Michelangelo soon had his assistant publish his own version of a biography that presented Michelangelo in a way he found more pleasing. ("Michelangelo", 1)