• The beginning of my story.

    The beginning of my story.
    I was born on August 20, 2003 in Naucalpan Mexico. My parents are Valentin Herrera and Diana Villavicencio.
  • My Angel

    My grandmother Materna was called Juana. She took care of me when I was a baby, she also gave me food, bathed me and many things she did for me, only two years of my life because she passed away on December 31.
  • Example to follow.

    Example to follow.
    My maternal grandfather Juan was one of the most influential people in my life because he was a hard worker, he taught me to be grateful with the things I have. He died on June 27.
  • Another Home

    Another Home
    My family decided to leave Naucalpan to start living in Santa Cruz a remote place. There I lived my childhood with my sister.
  • First Adventure.

    First Adventure.
    When I was 6 years old I was already starting primary school, it was something new for me, I was very excited. During that first year I was able to go to Teotihucan it was impressive.
  • A Great Achievement

    A Great Achievement
    When I was in the last year of primary school, I was part of the school escort. I remember that I was very proud to have achieved that
  • The Best Entertainment

     The Best Entertainment
    During my life mainly in high school, I entertained myself with too many things, playing with friends, with my sister with my parents but also with television. My favorite television series was Malcolm el del Medio.
  • The meeting.

     The meeting.
    The Herrera family rarely meets. My grandparents were celebrating 50 years of marriage so during that celebration we met all the cousins.
  • Graduation

    In 2015, I entered high school and it was three hard and fun years until 2018 when I graduated from that school where I shared incredible moments with friends.
  • High school

     High school
    That same year was the time to enter high school so I had to take an entrance exam. I wanted to stay in "Prepa 4" and when I gave the results I could stay there. I am currently studying there