Period: to
Liseth's Timeline
I was born. -
Internet Revolution
The internet revolution not only changed my life but changed the life of the world. Every year the internet and the technology gets better and better. With time people learn more and do more which produces even more technologhy. The internet made it possible for people around the world to connect with eachother and explore more. It made it possible that for me in manville, I could learn about stuff in Italy or any other contry. -
A year after the internet revolution we had a little scare. Since we have had always used ones nd zerros from the begging we had a little panic attack when the twos come in. They said that the all cuputers were going to crash. When this was happening i was doing the only thign i knew how to do at the time. Play games and listen to music. I was a bit upset that i wouldnt have the enjoymet of the cumpyer games but days went on the the computers were fine. -
World War Trade center
This day was a very tragical day for many. More then 100 died and left more then half the world hurting. Even though i had no family that got hurt or anybody died i was still very sad. I saw evryboday pain and even made me cry. One of the students in my class had an uncle that died and she startd crying. I just imagined evryone eals feeling so much pain. -
Gulf Wars
I know that many people were upset that so many troops had to go away into this invation. Not only America but also 36 other cuntries were involved. All this fighting has been going on for a while the made the no flying zone and had other things stopping us from attacking. I would always see stuff about the war on the tv and just tought of my cusion in laws sister that alwas went there and how worried she must been for her. -
Moved to Manville
My nephew was born
First african american President Barrack Obama
The first african amercan to be president. If i could have i would have voted for him and moltiple times. I like change and Obama was a big change. Most people are aggasnt it but im glad he won. What bothers me the most is that till this day people are still racist. Rude comments and signs that bring the past back.Im glad he won and stayed for the whole four years. -
First tattoo
Oil Spil
This was the wost oil spill in american history. There was 205 million gallons of oil spilled. Many birds and fish were hurt. Every one was always trying to help. I remember that if youmbought this brand of dish washer you helped a bird. Many companies were doing that to help in some way. There were also commercials about the oil spill and how it afeccted the birds and showed you how to help. -
Japan Tsunami
The tsunami in Japan was very tragical. Millions died and evrything was distroied. When i saw it happen on the news my heart just droped. I couldnt belive that this had happend. To me it looked like a move in a million years i wouldnt think it would happen. After it happened i knew that anything else would happen and wouldnt doubt it. I was very scared and even thought of the end of the world. -
Osama Bin Laden killed
Osama bin laden was a very hated guy. He has been terrorizing America for years and many wanted him death of what happened in 9/11.His been trying to hurt us and wev been trying to get him for all the pain he has caused. In May 2nd of last year Obama had the honnor to anocce his death.After this man died people around the world have a chance to start healling. -
Hurricane Irene
Herricane Irene might have been the scariest thing that has happened in my life, It was raining for a cuople days and the river near where i live started floding. We had to start packing and putting evrything he had on the top floor so if my house flooded then not everything will be lost. By the time it was over my house was flooded to the first floor and we lost alot of things. -
Earthquake in Jersey
The first earthquake i ever felt in my life. I remember it like it was yesterday. For a secund i thought it was just the train but then my friend told me she felt it too. So i knew it had to be somthing bigger. I know its not a good thing that it happend but its deffenitly one of my memories. My first and hopefully last earthquake in Jersey. -
Frst hair perm
Donated my hair
Kim Jung
I had to do a paper of North Korea in my history class. From that paper i learned alot. For example NK has alot of propblems with the food the medication and with thier leader. The have to treat him like a king and praise him. They are brain washed and if not do as kim says they will be killed. Kim Jungs death changed alot of things for example america didnt know if to trust Kim sung il with the military. -
Sister in law moved out
Kony 2012
Kony 2012 showed a terrifc amount of people what has been going on and we didnt even notice. It opened our eyes and made us look for ways to help. This has been going on for centuries and till this day it will continue. After Kony 2012 they started a group. Where they try to help as much as possible. We might not be able to go there and stop Kony but we are strong together and help plenty from here. -
Got my Cosmetology Permit
Mom left to Costa Rica
Senior prom 2012