Mi línea de tiempo

  • my day of birth

    my day of birth
    It was an important day for my parents because I was the first man in the family.
  • My first steps

    My first steps
    I took my first steps a year later and two months was a happy moment for my parents because I was already growing.
  • I saw fireworks for the first time

    I saw fireworks for the first time
    It was one Christmas when I heard a sound like an explosion. I saw the sky and there were colored lights. I asked my mom what was in the sky. She answered that they were fireworks.
  • my preschool graduation

    my preschool graduation
    It was an important moment in my life because I learned to draw, color and differentiate figures, and I began to meet new people.
  • my fifth grade graduation

    my fifth grade graduation
    It was a very special moment for me because I was going to go to secondary school where I was going to meet new people, but I felt bad because I would no longer have the teacher who always helped me in primary school.
  • my first school failure

    my first school failure
    It was a very sad year for me because it was the first time I missed a school year, it was all because I neglected my studies and paid more attention to what I was doing with my classmates than to classes.
  • a new confinement for me

    a new confinement for me
    It was something new for me since I couldn't leave the house and the classes were virtual. I was surprised to see how the news said that many people died due to covid.
  • my first girlfriend

    my first girlfriend
    It was a very important moment where I met the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, we became couples and to this day we are still together with her, I did very important and new things in my life.