War of Independence
War of Independence ends with the creation of the short-living Mexican Empire, which includes Central America to the southern border of modern-day Costa Rica, as well as what is now the southwestern US. -
Mexico becomes a federal republic
Mexico becomes a federal republic. Central American provinces secede, becoming Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
The new Mexican state is marked by tension between the conservative Spanish-origin landowning elite and the largely indigenous landless minority, resulting in instability and frequent armed conflict. -
Emperor Archduke Maximilian
Archduke Maximilian of Austria is installed as emperor by France and conservative landowners, but is toppled and executed by Republican rebels. -
Mexican-American war ends
Mexican-American War ends with Mexico being forced to sell its northern provinces (including modern-day California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah) to the US. -
"La Reforma"
"La Reforma" period, characterised by liberal reforms limiting the power and landholdings of the Catholic Church. -
Promulgation of the Federal Constitution of the United Mexican States
The Federal Constitution of the United Mexican States of 1857 often called simply the Constitution of 1857 is the liberal constitution drafted by 1857 Constituent Congress of Mexico during the presidency of Ignacio Comonfort. -
Porfirio Diaz's starts dictatorship
Porfirio Diaz's 35-year-long dictatorship brings stability, modernisation and economic growth, but at the price of political repression. -
Mexican Revolution
The Mexican Revolution, including a sequence of major armed struggles, lasting roughly from 1910 to 1920, that transformed Mexican culture and government. Its outbreak in 1910 resulted from the increasing unpopularity of the 31-year-long regime of Porfirio Díaz and its failure to find a managed solution to presidential succession. -
Porfirio diaz resignation
he treaty was signed on May 21. Díaz resigned accordingly on May 25.Francisco de la Barra became the interim president.Madero entered Mexico City on June 7. -
Treaty of Ciudad Juárez
The Treaty of Ciudad Juárez was a peace treaty signed between the President of Mexico, Porfirio Díaz, and the revolutionary Francisco Madero on May 21, 1911. The treaty put an end to the fighting between forces supporting Madero and those of Díaz and thus concluded the initial phase of the Mexican Revolution. -
Reform and labour legislation
The liberal Francisco Madero introduces land reform and labour legislation before being assassinated. Victoriano Huerta seizes power. Political unrest continues with Emiliano Zapata leading a peasant revolt in the south -
Incursion against "Pancho" Villa
Inconclusive US incursion against guerrilla leader Francisco "Pancho" Villa. -
Venustiano carranza murdered
President Venustiano Carranza is murdered, followed by a decade of instability. -
"PRI" is formed
Former president Plutarco Elias Calles forms what later becomes the Institutional Revolutionary Party(PRI), which dominates government for 71 years. -
Tlatelolco massacre
Following a summer of increasingly large demonstrations in Mexico City protesting the 1968 Olympics held in Mexico City, the Mexican Armed Forces opened fire on October 2, 1968 on unarmed civilians, killing an undetermined number, in the hundreds. It occurred in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas in the Tlatelolco section of Mexico City. -
1985 Earthquake
Earthquake in Mexico City kills thousands and makes many more homeless. -
NAFTA agreement
Parliament ratifies the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta) with the US and Canada. -
Chiapas rebellion
A guerrilla rebellion in Chiapas by the Zapatista National Liberation Army is brutally suppressed by government troops. The government and Zapatistas agree on greater autonomy for the indigenous Mayans of Chiapas the following year. -
Colosio murdered
At 5:05 PM PST, on 23 March 1994, at a campaign rally in Lomas Taurinas, a poor neighborhood of Tijuana, Baja California, Colosio was shot in the head with a .38 Special. Colosio collapsed, and was subsequently rushed to the city's main hospital, after plans to fly him to an American hospital across the border were canceled. -
Vicente fox wins elections
Vicente Fox of the conservative Alliance for Change wins presidential elections, the first opposition candidate ever to do so. Parliamentary elections see the Alliance emerge as the strongest party, narrowly beating the PRI -
Energy reform
Mexico's Congress approves sweeping reforms to the country's energy sector that will open the market to foreign oil firms and strip state-owned energy group Pemex of the monopoly it has held since nationalisation in 1938.