Mexico Timeline

By cfho
  • - Spain conquers the rest of Mexico

    Mexico is part of the colony of New Spain.
  • - The Mexican War of Independence begins

  • - The War of Independence ends

    and Mexico declares its independence
  • - Agustin de Iturbide is declared

    the first Emperor of Mexico.
  • - Guadalupe Victoria takes office

    as the first President of Mexico. Mexico becomes a republic.
  • - Santa Anna becomes president

    for the first time.
  • - The Texas Revolution begins.

  • - The Mexican army led by Santa Anna

    is defeated by the Texans
  • - The Mexican-American War begins.

  • - The United States Army occupies

    Mexico City.
  • - Mexico sells portions of

    New Mexico and Arizona
  • - Santa Anna is exiled from Mexico.

  • - The French invade Mexico and install

    Maximilian of Austria as president in 1864.
  • - Benito Jaurez expels the French and

    becomes president.
  • - The Mexican Revolution begins

    led by Emiliano Zapata.
  • - President Porfirio Diaz, who ruled as

    dictator for 35 years, is overthrown
  • - The Mexican Constitution is adopted.

  • - Revolutionary hero and military

    leader Poncho Villa is assassinated.
  • - Mexico experiences a long period of

    economic growth.
  • Mexico joins the Allies in World War II

    declaring war on Germany and Japan.
  • - The Summer Olympics are held in

    Mexico City.
  • - A huge 8.1 level earthquake hits Mexico

    Much of the city is destroyed and over 10,000 people are killed.
  • - The North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    with Canada and the United States is ratified.
  • - Vicente Fox is elected president.

    He is the first president not from the PRI party in 71 years.