Porfirio Diaz
Porfirio Díaz became president in 1876 and soon became a dictator. During Díaz's rule, called the Porfiriato, he created significant achievements for Mexico. For example, he made Mexico a strong and unified country. However, his people did not experience these vast achievements. Under Díaz's rule, millions of the people in Mexico soon became slaves used for manual labor. This slavery led to the uprising agaisnt Porfirio Díaz, called the Mexican Revolution. -
The Beginning of the Revolution
The Mexican Revolution began in 1910 with a call to arms by Francisco Madero. Madero was a reformist politician whose goal was to remove Díaz from power. Díaz was as ambitious president, working to build up Mexico with dams, factories and roads. Meanwhile, Mexican peasants were suffering. Díaz campaigned with bullying and intimidated his people into supporting him. When Díaz was removed from power, Mexico had its share of unreliable presidents. -
Battle of Ciudad Juarez
This battle took place in Ciudad Juarez between April and May 1911. The battle was between the forces of Madero's army lead by Ozoco and Villa and Díaz's forces. After two days the city was in control by Madero, and lead to the signing of the treaty of Ciudad Juarez in which Díaz resigned from power. -
Francisco Madero
In 1911 Porfirio Díaz left the country and traveled to Europe. At this time Franciso Madero became president. Madero had promised land reforms, but failedto achieve his promises. He was a very weak leader. Madero was later replaced and assasinated by Victoriano Huerta. -
Victoriano Huerta
Victoriano Huerta, who had been in league with Díaz all along, became president in 1913. Huerta arrested Madero on February 17, 1913 and forced him to sign a resignation which made Huerta the new president. Soon after, Madero was "mysteriously" killed. However, no one believed this and knew Huerta has given the execution order. Huerta made himself a dictator, but was soon overthrown by Venustianio Carranza. -
USA Involvement
On April 9 1914, Huerta had U.S sailors thrown in jail while they were landed in Tampico, and later releases them. The U.S wanted a public apology from the Huerta goverment, but they refused. In response, the U.S started attacking and took over Vera Cruz by April 22 1914. They took Vera Cruz instead of Tampico because the U.S had oil refinories there. -
Venustianio Carranza
When Huerta became president, Carranza immediately rebelled against him. Military forces rose up in the north led by Carranza and they began to fight. All through 1913 and 1914 Huerta's army suffered defeat after defeat. Finally on August 20,1914, Huerta was forced to flee. On that day Venustianio Carranza was put into the running for president. -
Diego Rivera Artwork
Diego Rivera created the "Zapatista Landscape" during the Mexican revolution to depict Mexican Revolutionary leader Emiliano Zapata. -
Constitution of 1917 Passed
On Febauary 5th 1917, the new constitution of Mexico was passed by the constitutional congress. Under the new consitution, things such as in article three, allowed no church in education. Article one hundred and twenty-three gave rights in labor. It stated that people would have an 8 hour work day. Also within the constitution article twenty seven gave property ownership, restored, and makes provisons for land distribution. It also increaed Carranza's power. -
US Recognizes Obregón Government
In 1920 Obregón tries to please the U.S with foriegn owned land. Under the constitituon of 1917 they did not own the land that they previously had in Mexico. However, Obregón said that all the land that they owned prior to 1917 was still owned by foreign powers (themselves). The United States was pleased and they recognized the Obregón goverment in 1919. -
Battle of Ciudad Juarez (pt. 2)
This was the last major battle that involved the rebel forces of Pancho Villa. It took place on June 15th 1919 and was an attempt by Villa to capture Ciudad Juarez from the Mexican army. The U.S army began closing in on the Villista forces and caused them to retreat and lose the battle. -
Álvaro Obregón
After two years of being politically inactive, Álvaro Obregón took a leading role in the uprising that overthrew Carranza. On Dec 1 1920, Obregón was elected Mexico's new president. Obregón managed to promote peace and prosperity in his nation. He gave official sanction to orginizations of laborers and peasants. -
Cristero War
Starting in 1926, the Cristero War was an uprisng against the anti-catholicism of the Mexican goverment. The rebellion started when the calles(the current president of mexico at the time) enforced the standards of the Constitituion of 1917. It started as a peaceful resistance, but evolved into violent rebellions in 1927. -
David Sigueiros Artwork
David Sigueiros created the "From Porfirianism to the Revolution" during the time of the Mexican Revolution. This painting represents the time of the Porfiriato and the revolution that follows. -
End of Mexican Revolution
Many belive the Mexican Revolution ended on the day the constituion of Mexico was signed. However, this is not the case. In 1942, Mexican ex-presidents stood on stage of the Mexico City Zocalo to show their support to Britain and America in the 2nd World War. This showed the citizens of Mexico Political solidarity and a united country at last.