Mexican revolution (14)

Mexican Revolution 1910

  • Mexican Revolution Starts

    Due to the lack of care towards the Mexicans, the Mexican Revolution started. The Mexicans were unhappy with the dictator, Porfirio Diaz, and the way he ran Mexico. Many people were not able to voice their opinions and only very few contained massive amounts of wealth.
  • Period: to

    Mexican Revolution 1910

  • Emiliano Zapata Becomes New Leader

    After Pablo Torres dies, Zapata becomes the new Revolutionary leader for Mexico. He leads over 800 men and rebel against Diaz. They led a revolt with a banner saying, "Tierra y libertad! (land and liberty!)
  • Previous Followers of Madero Leave Him

    Pascual Orozoco and Pancho VIlla originally began with Madero in the Mexican Revolution. However, Orozoco and Villa demand that some federal officers be killed. Madero refuses this demand, and as a result, Orozoco and Villa turn against Madero
  • Francisco Madero Overthrows Diaz

    By May 1911, Diaz had fled Mexico and resigned by force. This happened due to Madero launching his most brutal attack on May 13th, 1911. On June 7th, Madero finally procedes into Mexico City.
  • Huerta Defeats Orozoco

    Orozoco leads a revolt against Madero as his followers load a train with explosives and ram it into federal soldiers. Shortly after this, Huerta orders the execution of Villa. After that, Huerta defeats Orozoco and his army, forcing him to flee to the US.
  • US Views on Huerta's Government

    US ambassador Henry Lane agreed that Huerta should become temporary president. However, President Woodrow Wilson, refuses to recognize Huerta's government
  • Huerta assassinates Madero

    Although Huerta fought along side Madero for most of the rebellion, Huerta betrayed Madero and eventually assassinated him. After this, Huerta became president. The Mexicans disliked Huerta even more than Diaz because he was more strict than Diaz.
  • Venustiano Carranza and Alvaro Obregon go against Huerta

    The Plan of Guadalupe, drafted by Carranza, nullified any statement of legitimacy in Huerta's government. After this Carranza and Obregon decide to go against Huerta's power. The Plan de Guadalupe called for war against Huerta in its statement.
  • Tampico Affair

    US warships settle in Mexico in order to protect American citizens and their property. Harry T. Mayo demands of a formal apology from Huerta. Huerta refused this apology while Wilson ordered the Atlantic Fleet to Mexico.
  • Battle of Zacatecas

    This is one of the bloodiest battles in the Mexican Revolution. Villa's North Division successfully protected Zacatecas which led to Huerta's resignation on June 15th. At this point he goes into exile in Europe, then he attempts to reenter Mexico threw the US. Then, he is held under house arrest until his death in 1916.
  • Orozoco Murdered in El Paso

  • Villa attacks Americans

    Villa's first attack on Americans was when his troops attack a train killing only 16 Americans. Then, his troops raid New Mexico in hopes of killing more Americans. This turned out to be counterproductive, considering only 18 Americans were killed and 100 Villistas were killed
  • Carranza Becomes President

  • Zapata Murdered

    Carranza's troops killed Zapata. Following this, the Liberation Army of the South fell apart.
  • Villa Killed

    Both Villa and his troops are attacked while driving.
  • Mexican Revolution Ends

    At the Battle of Eseranza, Obregon's forces defeated Huerta. Huerta then leaves Mexico. After this, minor assaults occured within the next few years. As a whole, however, the fighting ceased.