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Mexican Independence war on the clock

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    Independence Wars

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    Cosnpiracy and Start of the Initiation

    This is not a single event, it is a timespan. It is the stage when the conspiracy against the Spanish crown starts with Miguel Hidalgo as the leader. The planning in the house of Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez (AKA La Corregidora) happens and "literary" circles are used as a cover up by the conspirators.
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    This stage had the conspiracy, the start of the independence war, and the small portion of the independence war that was lead by Hidalgo before his decapitation.
  • Targeted

    The conspiracy leaders were put on the spotlight because they had been ratted out by some Criollo's Officers that did not want to join the effort. The Spanish Crown ordered the arrest for Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla and several other members of his plan. (Miguel Dominguez, Josefa Ortiz). The decision was made to declare the war earlier.
  • Official Start of the Independence Wars/Grito de Dolores

    Official Start of the Independence Wars/Grito de Dolores
    The start of the indepndence wars was officially established on this date, Miguel Hidalgo rang the church bell in the small town of Dolores and did the "grito" in order to unite the rebels and raise arms against the Spanish Crown.
  • Guanajuato seizing

    Guanajuato seizing
    A bloody battle between the rebels and the Spanish reenforcements in the city of Guanajuato, the rebels army had reached 30 thousand and the Spanish had barricaded in the public granary of the city. Over 500 creoles and spanish were killed and it started rumours about the rebels.
  • Battle of Monte de las Cruces

    Battle of Monte de las Cruces
    Viceroy had sent rernforcements to set back the rebel army. They encountered in battle with them on this date but the rebel army defeated the back up and seized cannons, paving the area for the final seizing of Mexico city.
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    Battle of the Bridge of Calderon

    The rebel army planted a defensive strategy at the bridge of the Calderon River but the Spanish forces overwhelmed them and the insurgents were obligated to retreat to the north to the United States-Mexican border.
  • Decapitation of Miguel Hidalgo

    Decapitation of Miguel Hidalgo
    Miguel Hidalgo was captured in the north of Mexico, trialed, found guilty, and executed on this day. His head was then hanged along with others conspirators like Allende, Aldama, and Jimenez in the four corners of the granary of Guanajuato.
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    The Consolidation stage was from the death of Hidalgo to the death of Morelos.
  • Battle of Temalca

    Battle of Temalca
    There was a battle in the area of Temalaca Puebla between the rebels and the Spanish resulting in the victory of the Spanish crown. That lead to the capture of Jose Maria Morelos and marked the end of the second phase in the independence wars.
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    All of the portion from Morelos death all the way to the signing of the plan de iguala.
  • Plan de Iguala

    Plan de Iguala
    Three main principles were decided in the Plan de Iguala that was some of the rquirements and establishments for the independence of Mexico fom the Spanish crown.
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    The final wrapping up of the mexican independence.
  • Finality

    The finality of the independence wars was on this date when the rebels entered the city of Mexico and it was established that they were now free from the crown with the army of the three guarantees leaded by Iturbide on other key characters.