
Struggle for Independence- Mexico

  • Early months of 1810-Initiation

    Early months of 1810-Initiation
    The planning of the Independence movement. Included secret meetings between the criollos: Allende, Miguel Hidalgo, Josefina Ortiz de Dominguez, Juan de Aldama, Miguel Domínguez, and Ignacio Allende.
  • Conspiracy is revealed- Initiation

    Conspiracy is revealed- Initiation
    When Spanish authorities are notified about the independence plan, Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez notifies Allende of their plans being revealed and Allende leaves Querétaro to find Hidalgo and tell him.
  • Grito de Dolores-Initiation

    Grito de Dolores-Initiation
    Hidalgo decides to accelerate the independence and after being notified of his wanted arrest, rings the church bell and rallies mestizos and indios to fight against Gachupines. The independence movement begins.
  • Alhóndigas de Granaditas- Initiation

    Alhóndigas de Granaditas- Initiation
    Hidalgo tells Juan Antonio Riaño that he can protect Riaño's people from the rebels, however the intendant did not accept. On September 28 of 1810, mestizos and indios stormed to Guanajuato. Gachupines sought refuge in Alhóndiga de Granaditas, waiting for reinforcements. The Pípila put a rock on his back, which allowed him to reach the doors, burn them down, and lead the rebels to the gachupines who were killed.
  • Battle of Monte de las Cruces-Iniation

    Battle of Monte de las Cruces-Iniation
    An unorganized mob of Mexicans under the command of Miguel Hidalgo and Ignacio Allende fought against the army in Trujillo. Many officials died and rebels fled, making the rebel force smaller.
  • Battle of the Bridge of Calderón- Initiation

    Battle of the Bridge of Calderón- Initiation
    The rebels fought and lost against the Spanish forces led by Félix María Calleja. The rebels were forced to retreat into Northern Mexico.
  • Miguel Hidalgo Execution-Initiation

    Miguel Hidalgo Execution-Initiation
    After the fight in the Bridge of Calderón, Hidalgo and his rebel forces flee to Northern Mexico (Jalisco- Los Altos) where Hidalgo is captured, questioned in the Inquisition, and executed. His head was cut off and displayed to the public as a warning.
  • Battle of Temalaca-Initiation

    Battle of Temalaca-Initiation
    Took place on November 5, 1815. The Royal Army (headed by Manuel de la Concha) vs. the Rebels who were headed by Jose María Morelos. The Spanish won.
  • Plan de Iguala-Consummation

    Plan de Iguala-Consummation
    Emitted by Agustin de Iturbide in 1820. It was a political deal that unified all of the different people that included the rebels, creoles, spanish, liberals, conservatives, etc. It has 23 articles that had different things for everyone. It also declared Mexico’s independence, a monarchy that would be held monitored by the constitution. It had the 3 guarantees: religion, independence, and union of all mexicans. It also called for the formation of a new army called: Ejército Trigarante.
  • Declaration of Independence-Consummation

    Declaration of Independence-Consummation
    Mexico is officially declared independent with the signing of Juan D'Onoju and Agustín de Iturbide. A few days later, the Spanish army left, and the Mexican army stayed in Mexico City.