Father Miguel Hidalgo
In the middle of struggling within the colonial government, Father Maguel Hidalgo, a priest who lived in small town Dolores, issues his famous call for the Mexican Independence. El grito de Dolores (Cry of Dolores) set off a revolutionary action by the natives and mestizos, banding together to conquer Guanajuato and other cities west of Mexico City. His name lives on in the state of Hidalgo. -
Death to the Hidalgo
The Hidalgo rebellion loses it's steam, leading to their death. Miguel Hidalgo was captured as well, leading to the execution of him in Chihuahua. -
José Morcelos
Another priest by the name of José Morcelos, succeeds the city Hidalgo as Mexico's leader of independence movement, creating a proclaimed Mexican republic. He is defeated by the royalists forces, the mestizo general Agustín de Iturbide, passing the revolutionary banner to Vicente Guerrero. -
Official Mexican Independence!
After a revolt in Spain, ushers in a new era of liberal reforms there, Mexican leaders begin plans to end the viceregal (ruling) system and separate their country from their terms. Later, Iturbide meets with Guerrero and issues the Plan of Iguala, which Mexico would be an independent country as a limited monarchy, giving wqual rights, upper class status to mestizos and Spanish population. By August, the last Spanish viceroy was forced to sign the Treaty of Córdoba, makng Mexico independent!