• mexican independence

    mexican independence
    Mexico declared independence in 1810 which ended the rule of Spain. This was significant because Mexico finally gained its independence after dealing wany harsh events and struggles.
  • stephen austin was imprisoned

    stephen austin was imprisoned
    stephen austin was imprisoned due to treason. This is significant because they imprisoned him for 8 months.
  • first battle of the alamo

    first battle of the alamo
    Mexican troops under general santa anna launched an assault on the alamo mission. This is significant because Mexico won.
  • bear flag revolt

    bear flag revolt
    the bear flag was where Anglos rebelled against the Mexican government. It was significant because the flag became the official flag of California.
  • gold rush in california

    gold rush in california
    The gold rush in California began in 1848-1855. This event is significant because the gold was found after Mexico lost California territory.