Meredith's Life

  • What does your time line tell you about yourself?

    I've had a pretty uneventful life. Many of my events revolve around my family, so it shows that family is a big part of my life.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    If I changed a few things from my past, very little would change. If I hadn't had my car crash, I wouldn't be as scared to drive and I would still have my old car. If I hadn't gotten my dog, I would still beg for a dog every day.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem do be?

    It is pretty flexible. I'm not too set on anything regarding the timing of it all. I do want those things to fall in that order and I am set on all those events happening, just not sure what time they will happen.
  • Day of Birth

    Day of Birth
    At 8:11 A.M, I was born! I was born at Menorah Medical Center. My sister and grandparents later came and visited me.
  • Took Charlie Home

    Took Charlie Home
    After looking at dogs forever, we finally decided on our mini labradoodle. It took lots of convincing, but we decided on the name Charlie. My parents went and picked her up from southern Kansas and we were all so excited to finally meet her.
  • First Day of High School

    First Day of High School
    I finally got to go to BVSW in October. It was such a relief after all the zooms to be in person. I enjoyed finally meeting my teachers face-to-face.
  • Moved Houses

    Moved Houses
    I had lived in the same house almost all my life until I moved. It was a serious change, but I looked forward to it. Our new house is much newer and open than our old house and my whole family loved getting to move.
  • Got in a Car Accident

    Got in a Car Accident
    While driving to dance, I rear-ended someone. It was a very stressful situation for me, especially because the airbag came out and the seat belt broke. To this day, I still do not have this car back from the shop.
  • First Day of College at Arkansas

    First Day of College at Arkansas
    I plan to attend Arkansas University. I plan to join a sorority and hopefully join my sister as a Zeta. I hope to study something in the realm of sports medicine.
  • Get My First Job

    Get My First Job
    After college, I want to get a job as a sports physical therapist. I plan to work in a sports facility and aid athletes.
  • Wedding Day

    Wedding Day
    I plan to have a fall wedding. Hopefully, around this time I have someone to settle down with and build a family with.
  • Have First Kid

    Have First Kid
    I plan to have many kids but have my first around this time. I cannot wait to build a family and have children. Hopefully, I have 3-4 kids.
  • Retirement/Buy Beach House

    Retirement/Buy Beach House
    After working for many years, I want to retire and move to a beach with my husband. It seems like the ideal location to relax and enjoy my free time.