Oct 10, 732
Battle of Tours
Important people in this event are the Franks, the Muslims, and Charles Martrel. The significance was that christianity remained Europe's major relegion. -
Oct 14, 1066
Battle of Hastings
An important person of this time period was William the Conqueror. His significance was that he defeated Harold and his foot soldiers. -
Feb 25, 1096
The Crusades
Important people were Pope Urban 1st, knights, and peasants. Their significance was that they fought because they wanted to get Jerusalem back from non-christains. -
Sep 23, 1122
Concordant of Worms
Two important people during this time period were Pope gregory Vll and King Henry IV. Their significance was that they made an agreement with eachother which allowed the King to decide their job in government. -
Jan 13, 1137
Abbot Sugar
An important person was Sugar. His significance was that he was a historian and he believed in Gothic Architechture. -
Aug 1, 1137
Louis VII+Eleanor
Important people in this time period were Eleanor and Louis VII. Their significaane was that they ruled Aquitaine together. -
Dec 19, 1154
HenryII + ELeanor
HenryII himself was the important person in this event. His significance was that he won a war against Louis VII. -
Jun 3, 1162
Thomas Beckett
Thomas Becket was an important person. His significance was that he engaged in conflict with Henry II. -
Sep 3, 1189
Richard the Lionhearted
Richard the Lionhearted was an important person. His significance was that he was Eleanors Fifth son. -
May 27, 1199
An important person during this event was King John. HIs significance was that he was forced to sign the Magna Carta. -
May 17, 1209
Francis of Assisi
The most important people and idea where the Fransiscans and Christianity. The significance of Fransiscans were that they helped the poor and served in missionaries. -
Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta
Three important people in this event were King John, Henry the ll and Edward l. Their significance was that they took away some of the Kings powers. -
May 5, 1233
Most of the people were Dominicans. This was significant towrds ending heresy -
Jun 1, 1267
Thomas Aquinas
Thge most important ideaa was scholasticism. It's significance was that it combined church ideas with Aristotle -
May 1, 1295
An important person of this time was Henry the First. The House of Commons and the House of lords was made. The significance of parliament was to help Kings pass laws. -
The most important person was Charlemagne himself. His significance was education and a Holy Roman Empire.