Media Work

  • Start of project

    Today I started my music magazine project. To start with I have done research on media companies.
  • Magazine analysing

    To be able to make my magazine I needed to have an understanding of other music magazines. I looked at a range of genres looking at the; front cover, double page spread and contents page.
  • Paper plans

    Before making the magazine I need to plan it and to do that I draw them out, I have now drawn a rough copy of my front cover, contents page and double page spread.
  • Media Institution Reaserch

    This is when I learnt more about other media companies, there history and target audiences
  • Photoshop practice

    Today we learnt how to use Photoshop for when editing our photos and making our front covers.
  • In-design practice

    Today we learnt how to use in-design which will be useful for when I make my double page spread.
  • Audience Surveys

    Today I created my audience surveys that I can get my feed back on my paper plans
  • Period: to

    Audience surveys

    I sent out my surveys to friends and family to complete for me to analyse
  • Period: to

    Audience surveys

    I sent out my surveys to friends and family to complete for me to analyse
  • Period: to

    Audience surveys

    I sent out my surveys to friends and family to complete for me to analyse
  • Period: to

    Audience surveys

    I sent out my surveys to friends and family to complete for me to analyse
  • Period: to

    Audience surveys

    I sent out my surveys to friends and family to complete for me to analyse
  • Period: to

    Audience surveys

    I sent out my surveys to friends and family to complete for me to analyse
  • Period: to

    Audience surveys

    I sent out my surveys to friends and family to complete for me to analyse
  • Period: to

    Audience surveys

    I sent out my surveys to friends and family to complete for me to analyse
  • Period: to

    Audience surveys

    I sent out my surveys to friends and family to complete for me to analyse
  • Reader ship profile

    Today I created my readership profile to show who my target audience are
  • Models

    I have created and added to my blog profiles on my models talking about their age, what they like, why I chose them and general information.
  • Mood Board

    Today I added my mood board on to my blog after making it on Pintrest. I created a mood board finding photos for poses, hair, costume, locations and more.
  • Outside photo shoot

    Today I took a camera out of school and went around the local area with my models taking photos on my outside locations.
  • Fonts

    I have now chosen and analysed around 6 different fonts and thought about where they would look good in my magazine, why they fit the magazine and why I thought the audience would like them.
  • Contact sheet

  • Mock Ups

    In addition to the paper plans I also created two more DPS, FC and CP.