My Birth
I was born with red hair and weighed 8 lbs and 1 oz. There was a blizzard that evening. My grandparents and dad were there. -
I Crawled!
I crawled for the first time when I was 8 months old. -
I walked!
I walked for the first time when I was 15 months old -
I spoke in Full Sentences!
I spoke very early. I started to speak in full sentences a few months after I learned to walk. -
A Baby Brother!
I got a baby brother. I was stuck with my grandma that whole day. When I first saw my brother I thought he was a monster. -
A Dog!
I got my dog Boo. She was a beagle. We got her from Petsmart. -
I was going to school. It was my first time. I was looking forward to it. -
I fell on the play ground and received stitches.I was running and fell on steps. I didn't know I was bleeding until my friends told me i was bleeding. -
Zoo Overnight!
I got to go to the Omaha Zoo. It was with the boy scouts.We got to sleep in the zoo. the next day we got see all the animals. -
More Brothers!
My mother was going to have triplets. I had to live with my grandparents for a few weeks. -
My baby brother died. He was only a few months old.He was doing really badly and had many problems. -
First Communion!
I had first communion. I had to dress up nicely. Afterword, I went to pizza ranch and got presents and pizza. -
The Nutcracker!
I went to the nutcracker ballet at the orpheum theater in Sioux Falls. -
I started playing the saxophone. I had to work hard to play in band. My dad argued with the band teacher for a while. -
I joined boyscouts. i was a cubscout. but now i am in boyscouts because I crossed over to boyscouts. -
Halloween Parade!
I got to go see some relatives. We got to spend the night at their house. We celebrated my dad's birthday and went to see a Halloween parade. I got lots of candy -
Robotics Regions!
Our robotics team did so well. We made it to regions. My dad and I had to go all the way to Fargo and get a hotel. We were there for 3 days. We didn't do well but we didn't do poorly either. -
A Cat!
I got a cat. It was from my uncle. he just dropped it off at my house.It was orange and we named it marmalade. -
Highest Archery Score!
At boyscout camp i got the highest archery score out of everyone. I worked really hard and got two big bruises though. I got a bow string I made because of it though