• My birth

    My birth
    No picture because I was all bruised when I came out because I got stuck lol, but I was born tongue tied, I still am. and I had pyloric stenosis. But this picture is a year later from my first birthday lol.
  • When I got pyloricstenosis surgery

    When I got pyloricstenosis surgery
    pyloric stenosis means i can't digest anything, and I would throw up everything and it was not slay so I got surgery. This is me maybe shortly after or a year after my surgery.
  • My first halloween

    My first halloween
    This is and was important to me to include because halloween is my favorite, and this has my siblings in it that I do actually have contact with, and can tolerate and the only ones I have lived with my WHOLE life.
  • My sister!

    My sister!
    My sister has been with me since I was born! She is three years older than me and is clearly the favorite of my mothers but I love her! She's my best friend forever!! <3 Shes very slay
  • My first day of preschool

    My first day of preschool
    I went to preschool at cleveland when I was about three or four, funnest preschool ever! Best teachers, and everyday my dad got me mcdonalds after school
  • First day of elementary!

    First day of elementary!
    I went to elementary for kindergarten to second grade at Grant Elementary School, and third to fourth I went to Taylor Elementary School, and fifth grade I then did online.
  • My first time skating!

    My first time skating!
    I've been skating at superskate for a while now, its important to me because its my favorite thing to do and I still go every weekend. I was mad in this picture because the girl next to me pushed me.
  • The first time I dyed my hair

    The first time I dyed my hair
    I started dying my hair a long time ago and I still do it constantly, but the pink here was a slay.
  • My 2nd Bestfriend

    My 2nd Bestfriend
    This is my cat oreo. He is around four or five and I've had him since I was around 8. He's with my mom right now but I still see him whenever I see my mom! We got him when he was a baby and hes a mixed breed containing Cornish Rex, Norwegian Forest cat, and Oriental Shorthair. Some other things but i forgot, very old picture of me and him.
  • When my situation started

    I started living with my brother because my mother lost custody of me, I lived with him for almost the whole summer last year! Basically, when I was living with my brother DHS/CPS decided that we had "too much freedom" there which we didn't, we barely even went out of the apartment but we got moved to my dads ex wife's house, kim, a little bit before summer ended! We lived there until the 24th of december.I lived with kim until the day after christmas, that's when I first went into foster care
  • My situation PT2

    I lived with kim until the day after christmas, that's when I first went into foster care. Me and my sister got moved around a lot over the time span of like a year or two, and our next home was with christy! me and selena still live with christy at the moment. Christy is the best we have had so far and she makes sure we get what we need. We knew christy beforehand because she was our respite. if you don't know what respite is, basically, whenever bethany and andy needed a break.
  • Part 2, My dad.

    and has been doing everything he can. We're best friends again and I will get to live with him very soon when he gets a place and is done with all of his ASAC meetings. First when we started having visits it was two hours and now, its semi-supervised so we can have a visit up to six hours now.
  • Building my dad's and my relationship.

    My sister doesn't like my dad very much nor does the rest of my family. He had a disorder called schizophrenia. He has recovered and taken his meds for it. He was in des moines for a long time and when I started talking to him he immediately started working to get back to Cedar Rapids. I saw him the first day he got back, so happy. We immediately got visits set up regularly and he's been 100% clean off of drugs.