Period: to
I was born
This is my birth-day and the day I was born. -
My mom got a new job in Liberty MO and I moved from Broken Arrow Oklahoma. -
I broke my arms
My grandma got us three older kids a eletric scooter and knowing me i always get hurt. We got them on christmas day and then two days later i crashed and broke my tooth both my arms and busted my lip. -
My best birthday
My best birthday ever was when Gracie Clark, Alyssa green, and me when camping for my birthday. -
My new puppy
She is so adorable! -
The bus ride home
When i got on my bus i had to find a seat because mine was full. so i sat in the seat next to trenton v. and he had colon that he was spraying on everyone. Then nathan bills sat right next to me and trenton sprayed colon on me and nathan. when we got to our first stop I made nathan sit in the seat in front of me. I was soo mad at trenton!