350 BC Founded nature of life and said cells all living things have cells and thus are similar. came up with first idea of cell theory. picture from http://prezi.com/ctoo0ykyafky/the-cell-theory-and-the-scientists-that-contributed-toward-this-theory/ -
Jan 1, 1577
Jsn Baptist van Helmont
Created spontaneous generation. picture from http://www.creationstudies.org/operationsalt/spontaneous-generation.html -
Zacharias Jansen
Created first microscope. People could look closer at cells -
Robert Hooke
Discovered cellular composition of cork, introduced word cell. People started to study cells -
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Improved magnification of cells. People could now see cells up close. Picture from http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/museum/leeuwenhoek.html -
Anton van Leeuwenhoek Bacteria
discovered bacteria from siliva. Showed that cells looked different and did different things -
Lorez Oken
made futher advances in the priori principle -
Robert Brown
Discovered nucleuses. picture from http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/nucleus/nucleus.html -
Matthias Schleiden
Matthias discovered that plants were made of cells. This showed living things were made of cells. Picture from http://earthsky.org/human-world/nate-lewis-on-artificial-photosynthesis -
Theodor Schwann
He discovered animals have cells. Picture from http://www.docbrown.info/page20/2edexb2t1.htm -
Albrecht von Roelliker
Discovers sperm and eggs are also cells. -
Louis Pasteur
Disproved spontanious generation. picture from http://childofthecornx.livejournal.com/19219.html -
Rudolf Virchow
Said all living things came from one another. picture from http://designyoutrust.com/2011/08/young-animals-photographs/