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Mathematics Concept Project

By ERL269
  • Topic Due - 10 pts

    Please choose a topic that relates to a mathematics concept discussed in class. You want explain the topic in as much detail as possible. This topic will be used for your project and presented to the class at the end. When you determine your topic, please inform me so there are no duplicate presentations. This portion of the proejct is worth 10pts
  • Period: to

    Work Days - 15pts each day

    For the next four days, you will be in the computer lab researching information and preparing a presentation on your topic. Think about the topics discussed in class. Your participation for each day in the lab will be 15 pts. There will be NO games allowed during the project. Those who stay on task will recieve full credit each day.
  • Check Point

    At the end of the hour I will check everyones progress. By this day you should be about half way through your presenation. You may use Prezi or Powerpoint to create it. Please be creative and include as much detailed information.
  • Due Date - 100pts

    All presentations are due today. Please make sure you are ready to present on tomorrow. Everyone must present their topic to the class. The project and presenation is worth 100pts total. I will grade you on your knowledge for the topic. The presentation should inform each student in class on the topic along with answering any questions they had prior to the presentation.
  • Period: to


    The presenatations will last for three days. Everyone must present their concept to the class. You will be graded on your overall creativity and effort, time of presenation, knowledge of concept, preparation, and overall participation over duration of project.