Personalized learning pic

Mapping Out Implementation Jill Hollon

By JHollon
  • Personal Learning (Identify)

    Personal Learning (Identify)
    Personalized learning includes the use of integrating technology utilizing student choice that is guided by the teacher based on data. The teacher becomes more of a facilitator in the process and offers support and guidance through collaboration. Student pathways contain depth of knowledge and rigor and are adaptive based on the students needs. Students have input in their learning and demonstrate mastery through a variety of ways.
  • Period: to

    Personalized Learning Timeline

  • Current Teaching Environment (Evaluate)

    Current Teaching Environment (Evaluate)
    Our current environment will support further implementation of Personalized Learning. Student 3-8 have 1-1 chromebooks and K-2 have 10 ipads per classroom and access to chromebooks for half of the day. our site has had some training on beginning the process of personalized learning but a firm timeline on rolling this out needs to developed to benefit all of our students.
  • Kickoff

    Go over the personal methodology and foundation of Personalized learning.
  • Foundations

    Assess the schools strengths and areas of growth to better utilize personalized learning needs.
  • Workshop

    Teacher training by instructional coaches on how personalized learning can be done in the classroom
  • PL in Action

    PL in Action
    Training with videos on how teachers are using personalized learning in their classrooms.
  • Design and Launch

    Design and Launch
    Teachers collaborate on personalized learning plans in grade level teams.
  • Share Out

    Share Out
    Teachers share about successes and challenges of personalized learning then reassess PL in the classroom
  • Training PL

    Training PL
    Teacher training on more options to use technology in personalized learning.
  • Feedback/Reflection

    Feedback on how personalized learning is working in classrooms. Looking at data to see progress.
  • Plan of action for next year

    Plan of action for next year
    Based on the data from the previous meeting the staff will make a plan for the next school year. What is working? What areas do we need more support in?
  • Reflect/Reiterate

    Motivate staff about personalized learning plans. Show positive data. Have staff talk about the success they have see with PL.
  • Connect with instructional Coaches

    Connect with instructional Coaches
    Have Instructional coaches meet with each grade level for support and next steps with personalized learning.