Period: to
Prenatal Development to Age 2 Years
Second Trimester (between 17 and 20 weeks)
The fetus becomes sensitive to sound and light. Sight has begin to emerge. (Berks and Meyers, 99) -
Third Trimester (Around 36 weeks)
A fetus can distinguish rhythm and tone of different sounds and voices. (Berks and Meyers, 100) -
2 months
"Infants coo, making pleasant vowel sounds." (Berks and Meyers, 235) -
4 months
"Infants observe with interest as the caregiver plays turn-taking games, such as pat-a-cake and peekaboo." (Berks and Meyers, 235) -
6 months
"Infants babble, adding consonants to their cooing sounds and repeating syllables. By 7 months, babbling starts to include many sounds of spoken languages. Infants begin to comprehend a few commonly heard words." (Berks and Meyers, 235) -
8-12 months
"Infants become more accurate at establishing joint attention with the caregiver, who often verbally labels what the baby is looking at. Infants actively participate in turn-taking games, trading roles with the caregiver. Infants use preverbal gestures, such as showing and pointing, to influence others' goal and behavior and to convey information." (Berks and Meyers, 235) -
12 months
"Babbling includes sounds and intonation patterns of the child's language community. Speed and accuracy of word comprehension increase rapidly. Toddlers say their first recognizable word." (Berks and Meyers, 235) -
18-24 months
"Spoken vocabulary expands from about 200 to 250 words. Toddlers combine two words." (Berks and Meyers, 235) -
Toddlers (2-3 age)
"Once toddlers produce 200 to 250 words, they start to combine two words... they cannot yet flexibly form novel sentences that express subject-verb and verb-object relations, which are the foundation of grammar."(Berks and Meyers, 238) -
Period: to
Age 2 to 5
Toddlers (3-4 age)
They start using 4-6 word phrases rather than the two that they started with. They tend to ask questions and give directions. They also talk to themselves when playing or tell you about things they're doing. -
Toddlers (age 5)
They use complete sentences, can explain how to solve a problem, explain what familiar words mean and describe objects or events. -
By the age of 6
"...children understand the meaning of about 10,000 words, speak in elaborate sentences, and are skilled conversationalists." (Berks and Meyers, 231) -
Period: to
Age 6 to 12
Between 6-7
Rapid vocabulary expansion begins, they begin to learn between 5-10 new words a day. They come to learn the function and purpose of language.(Language Development in 6-7 Year Olds.) -
Between 11-12
"Children are now listening to increasingly complex information... Children need to combine their receptive language skills with listening skills to understand which comprehension strategies best match the information presented." (Speech and Language Development 11-12)