Main Events of the Enlightenment

  • English Bill of Rights

    The English Bill of rights was passed by Parliament. It limited the power of the king and queen and
    created a separation of powers.
  • Voltair is born

    Voltaire is born and this is important because he would right many works including Candide to show injustices and his beliefs.
  • Montesquieu writes Spirit of laws

    The book discusses Montesquieu's ideas regarding government. It is important because he introduces a system of separation of powers.
  • Diderot publishes the Encyclopedie

    The publication provides and emphasizes information about Enlightenment political theories and was an influence on the French Revolution. The importance is that the book was used to influence the French revolution and it was the first French Encyclopedie.
  • Rosseau's The Social Contract is published

    The Social Contract shows Rosseau's beliefs about how government should be. He writes that the government must be supported by the people.
  • Adam Smith writes Wealth of Nations

    Adam Smith writes Wealth of Nations
    Adam Smith writes Wealth of Nations, introducing his ideas and beliefs about the economy and how it should be run. It is important because it said that free trade instead of mercantilism should be the economic practice and ideas from his book are still used today.
  • Joseph the second became ruler of Austria

    Joseph the second became ruler of Austria
    Joseph the second took full control of Austria as an enlightened despot. This is important because he made many reforms, especially helping the poor and the Jews.
  • Bastille stormed

    Bastille stormed
    The Bastille was stormed by Revolutionaries. The importance of this is that it marks the first day of the French Revolution.