Maddie White P.7 Religion Quiz

  • 1500 BCE


    Approximately 1 billion people practice this religion, or about 15% of the world's population. Hinduism is mostly practiced in India. Hindu's believe there is more than one god. They also believe that Hindus are reincarnated after they die. The symbol relating to this religion is the Om.
  • 600 BCE


    Judaism is 15 million people strong. 0.2% of the world's population practices this religion, and it is most dominant in America, but also is very important in Israel. The Jews worship in a different place called a synagogue, while other religions, like Christianity, practice in a church. They also have an important celebration when boys turn 13 called a Bar Mitzvah. The symbol representing this religion is the Star of David.
  • 400 BCE


    Roughly 400 million people practice this religion, or 8% of the world's population. This religion is mostly practiced in the South East of Asia. Buddhism's followers always practice mindfulness and meditation, unlike the other religion's practices. They also do not believe that a god created the planet and universe they live in, as compared to the Christians, who do. The symbol that represents this religion is a lotus flower.
  • 100


    Christianity is mostly dominant in Europe and North and South America. 2.4 billion people practice this religion, or 31% of the world's population. Two unique beliefs in this religion are the idea that God created the universe, everything inside of the universe, and Heaven. They also believe that their messiah (Jesus) has already arrived, unlike other religions, like Judaism, who believes that their messiah has not yet visited. The cross is the symbol representing this religion.
  • Jan 1, 600


    About 1.9 billion people follow this religion. That's around 20% of the world's population. This religion is mainly practiced in Asia, or in the pacific region. Muslim's practice is different from other religions. For example, they pray 5 times a day facing Mecca. They believe that there is one god, but their messenger is Muhammad. The symbol associated with this religion is the crescent and star.
  • Period: 722 to 1492


    The Christians were threatened by the Muslims increasing power. The Christians then started the war with them. Most battles took place in the Iberian Peninsula and Spain. An important battle was the Battle of Granada, in which Ferdinand II forced Granada to surrender and gain power. Alfonso VI was an important leader of the Muslims. The population of Moorish Caliphate decreased greatly, and many Muslims converted to Christianity.
  • Period: 1096 to 1215

    The Crusades

    The Crusades were sparked when the Christians wanted back the Holy Land, mainly Jerusalem. They also wanted to conquer Pagan areas and previously Christian controlled areas. The Holy Land was currently being controlled by the Muslims. Most of the conflicts took place within Jerusalem, but there were also battles in the Eastern Mediterranean.
  • Period: 1096 to 1215

    The Crusades II

    An important battle was the Fourth Crusade which was caused when Pope Innocent III led his army into the Holy Land. This was an important event because it led to the conquering of Constantinople, even though it wasn't their goal. An important individual of the Christians was Pope Innocent III, who led many missions to get the Holy Land. Another important person was Caliph Umar, who was the leader of the Muslims and took control of Jerusalem.
  • Period: 1096 to 1215

    The Crusades III

    In terms of keeping the Christians out of the Holy Land, the Muslims technically "won," but the Christians were gifted with many benefits, like increased trade and therefore stronger economy, which would help them in the long run.
  • Period: to

    The 30 Years War

    The war was caused when Ferdinand II wanted more power for the Catholics. The war focused on the depletion of Protestant power and instead a rise of Catholic power. The wars were often fought in Europe, specifically Germany. The battle of White Mountain resulted in the defeat of the Bohemian Revolt and Hapsburg control. The war began with Ferdinand II, so he is a key figure during this period.
  • Period: to

    The 30 Years War II

    The conflict ended when the Treaty of Westphalia was started. Westphalia gained independence from Spain and Sweden got the Baltic Sea.
  • Period: to

    Circassian War

    Russia wanted control of Circassia and the Black Sea to spread Christianity and get rid of the Muslims. They started a war to control Black Sea so they could reach the Persian Empire and conquer them. The war mostly fought Southwest of Russia on the border of the Black Sea. An important event was the deployment of Circassian citizens to Turkey. Many died on the journey. Russia ended up killing 97% of the Circassian population. An important figure was Tsar Nicholas I, since he started the war.
  • Period: to

    Circassian War II

    The war ended with a tremendously decreased Muslim population. Russia expanded their territory along with Christian power to Persia. Many Muslims converted to Christians to avoid death.
  • Period: to

    The Israeli - Palestine Conflict

    The war started when the Palestinians lost important land when Israel was formed. The Palestinians were Muslim while the Israelis were Jewish. This battle continues today in Israel. An important event was the 6-Day War, which was caused when Israel invaded Syria and Egypt. Israel conquered the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. An important individual was Elad Peled, since he guided the battle. The conflict resulted in Israel controlling the West Bank, after the Oslo Accord was signed.
  • Period: to

    Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

    The war started when Taraki requested assistance from the Soviet Union. The Soviets helped him by targeting the Mujahideen, who were an Islamic group. The Soviet Union was Christian. This war occurred in Afghanistan, but the Mujahideen area was invaded often. An important event was the Soviets attempt to capture the Mujahideen, which was unsuccessful. The Mujahideen were then capable of capturing land from the Soviets.
  • Period: to

    The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan II

    Al Qaeda Bin Laden assisted the Muslims during this time to protect his religion. In the end, an accord between the Soviet Union and Afghanistan was signed, but the Mujahideen (under the power of Bin Laden who formed a terrorist group) turned into terrorists. The war eventually led to the downfall of the Soviet Union.
  • Period: to

    Syrian Civil War

    The Sunni were more dominant than the Shia, but the Shia were more powerful. The Sunni assumed that since they made up more of the Syrian population that they should have more power, so they started a war. The war occurred in Syria. Bashar Al-Assad used chemical weapons during protests to cause violence and chaos among the Syrians. A significant individual was President Obama since he assisted the Syrian government during the war. The war is still happening, but Syria's population has dropped.