M Hall History of Gifted Education

By mlghall
  • First Gifted School

    First Gifted School
    The first school for gifted children was opened in Worcester, MA.
  • Jacob Javitz Gifted and Talented Students Education Act

    Jacob Javitz Gifted and Talented Students Education Act
    Established as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This program helps fund programs that focus on helping schools meet the needs of gifted and talented students, specifically those in underrepresented populations.
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    The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented

    The NRC/GT conducted research studies focusing on what works in gifted education. Although the program is no longer being funded, the website is still operational and offers many resources for teachers and parents of gifted children.
    Source: http://nrcgt.uconn.edu
  • Teacher Preparation Standards in Gifted Education

    Teacher Preparation Standards in Gifted Education
    NAGC-CEC establish standards for gifted education in teacher preparation programs. These standards are focused on teachers wanted to work with gifted children and can primarily be found in masters and endorsement programs. They were first established in 2006 and then revised in 2013.
  • Gifted Programming Standards

    Gifted Programming Standards
    Standards established by the National Association for Gifted Children for gifted programming in grades Pre-K - 12. These standards include: learning and development, assessment, curriculum and instruction, learning environments, programming, and professional development.
    Source: www.nagc.org
  • First Textbook on Gifted Education

    First Textbook on Gifted Education
    Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture by Leta Stetter Hollingworth is published by the Macmillan Company.