I'm Born!
Period: to
Luke's Lessons Learned
Growing up on a Farm
We had 5 horses, turkeys, dogs, and cats. We didn't have any livestock or cattle, because Polo was my Dad's main incme. We used to make huge bonfires and start them with gasoline, which occasionally burnt our eyebrows off. We had throwing knives, we made spears, played games like ping pong and stump rope, and even had fun by just getting in a barrel and rolling downhill. That farm gave me an amazing childhood and it taught me, from the very begining, to always enjoy the simple things in life. -
Quicksand at the Hitchcock Woods Creek
One day we walked to the end of my local creek. There was a huge clay wall with a beach at the foot. My brother, Zach, leaped across the creek and his legs sunk into the sand up to his knees. This looked fun, so we all did it. We all kept sinking deeper and deeper, and we didn't think it was a problem until we were chest deep. We all panicked, but luckily I had a branch above me. I pulled myself out very slowly. I will never forget the panic I felt, and will always be more cautious in the wild. -
Vacation to Saint Augustine
This cool old town with its castles, brick and mortar buildings, graveyards, and old-time flare, really enchanted me when I was little. Everyone seemed to me to only enjoy modern buildings and new technology. However, seeing this awesome place, with its horse and carriages, demonstrated the richness and simplicity of life back then, and showed me that happiness isn't always having the latest and greatest technology, but it's being content with what's in front of you. -
Life and Death Situation at Macchu Picchu
Peering over a 1000 foot, sheer cliff with a river at the bottom made me admire the Incan's accomplishment of living on top of a mountain with few resources. However what really shook me was my brother. Whilst looking over the cliff, he decided to fake push me off and back on. I was so scared my stomach almost jumped out of my mouth. After a few moments, I realized the immensity of the situation. I could've died right there. I sat and thought of how much of a blessing life really is. -
Skiing at Winterplace in West Virginia
This trip was one of the most fun experiences i've ever had. Skiing non-stop from dawn till dusk for three days straight was amazing. By the end, I could go on a few black diamonds, and even ski backwards. This taught me how fun and rewarding a sport can be, and that no matter how much you do it, if you love doing it, you will always have a great time. -
Moving day from South Carolina to Florida!
The day I moved from South Carolina to Florida was very hard for me. Realizing i would never go to the same school or have the same neighborood friends was very hard for me at 11 years old, and the 12 hour car ride just made it worse. However, looking back, moving to Florida was the best thing that happened for me, there were no great oppurtuities in South Carolina, and Florida is way more fun than South Carolina ever was. -
Duke TIPS SAT Recommendation
The day Duke University called me as well as all the "smart" kids to the front office, was one of the ost defining days of my life. My ITBS Scores as well as a 10 other kids' scores were the highest in our grade. I realized that i don't even try in middle school, think of what I could be if I did. Sice then, I have gotten straight A's for the rest of my middle/highschool career., and I am so glad Duke recognized my potential. -
Vacation to Hawaii
This serene trip, filled with the most beutiful sights I have ever seen really changed me deep down. The views were unbelievable like, witnessing the sunrise from the top of a volcano, or seeing rainbow eucalyptus Trees, or cliff diving into 60 feet of clear, blue water. Hawaii was amazing. It truly did give me a deep appreciation for nature's beauty, adn een inspired me to preserve it in whatever ways I can. -
USF Startalk Chinese Camp
This Mandarin immersion camp was extremely intense. We had 4 classes a day, and 5 sessions of tutoring. The workload was unreal, but I have never learned so much in a ten day period in my whole life. It not only taught language, but also the very respectful and polite culture that the Chinese have. I spoke so much Chinese that I dreamed in Mandarin. This culture shock really showed me that there are different cultures and ways of life out there, and American cuture isn't necessarily the best. -
Started working at 2 Meatballs in the Kitchen
Working at 2 Meatballs isn't as fun and flowery as the other experiences. It showed me what true hard work is, but it also showed me what environments I should place myself in. I only worked there 6 months, and it was 6 months too long.. The entire staff was very disrespectful, and I felt worthless working there. I realized that I need to get a good college education, so that I never have to work a menial job, such as bussing tables ever again, and so that I hold value in my workplace. -
Started Working Out
My dad always made me work out when I was little, but I was never too into it. I started getting fat though, and I needed to change something. I joined the Y and started working out very hard, figuring out which routine is best for my body. After seeing results within a month was very rewarding. It just takes hard work and determination, and anything is possible -
Commercial Fishing Trip with Dad
This trip was one of the most defining moments of my life. It was 6 days of non-stop fishing. We caught 3400 pounds of red grouper, and no one knows the amount of work that takes. While trolling for new spots, I would grab this book my Dad got me, called Defining Decade. It talked about college, relationships, marriage, and happiness. This book was something I needed to read. I got my life back on track, and I have a plan for my future. -
Switched back to Verot
After Sophmore year, I switched to FMHS for financial reason, but after a year, I realized it is not the place for me. With the help of the Defining Decade, I decided where my real friends were, and that I wanted my senior year to be great, so I switched back to Verot, the place I truly belong.