
LTRE 311 Unit Plan: Who Am I? - Identity

  • Physical development in womb

    Physical development in womb
    At 40 weeks, a baby is fully physically developed.
  • Period: to

    Identity in Human Life

    Some important milestones in developing our identities.
  • Baby recognizes primary caregiver

    Baby recognizes primary caregiver
    2-4 months old babies begin to recognize their primary caregiver's face. Sometimes, they can recognize a mothers' voice as early as a few weeks after birth.
  • Infants recognize there is a world that exists around them

    Infants recognize there is a world that exists around them
    The infant knows the world through their movements and sensations
  • Making friends

    Making friends
    As early as age 2, children begin to interact with others around them and making friends.
  • Self-Awareness

    Infants begin to recognize their own existence as an individual around 6-7 months.
  • Recognizing physical differences

    Recognizing physical differences
    At ages 2-3, children begin to recognize physical differences between themselves and others.
  • Developing interests and hobbies

    Developing interests and hobbies
    Beginning from ages 4 children begin to explore the world around them, finding things they enjoy doing and picking up hobbies. Humans can experiment with different hobbies well into adulthood.
  • Elementary school

    Elementary school
    During elementary school, children adopt identities as students, friends, children to their caretakers, and even more such as artist, athlete, scholar, etc. Unfortunately also at this age, children may experience discrimination, prejudice, and bias against their cultural, social, religious, and gender identity. Their racial, ethnic, and national identity are also recognized.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    This age is known as "early-adolescence" and people begin to experience physical, emotional, and hormonal changes. This can impact social, gender, and personal identities as well as self-perception.
  • High School

    High School
    Humans in this age group are known as adolescence. They begin to develop their own values and beliefs around the world, and those values will sometimes conflict with the ones they were taught as children.
  • Adulthood

    Adolescents graduate into adulthood as they enter the professional world or higher education. As they are exposed to different cultures and placed in new social contexts, their identity may undergo another evolution; much like another puberty.