Literacy timeline

  • Period: to

    Literacy Timeline

  • Spoke First Words

    I was a happy child, but spoke words late. My pre school teachers were worried about my late speech. By age 3, my mother would tell you once I started speaking I didn't stop!
  • After school tutoring starts with 1st grade teacher

    After school tutoring starts with 1st grade teacher
    I was not keeping up academically with the class, so my teacher suggested tutoring me after school. Was not developing phonetic awareness.
  • Diagnosed with Dyslexia

    Diagnosed with Dyslexia
    When reading didn't "kick in" by second grade, it was suggested I get tested. My teachers would tell you that although I was not able to read well, I always raised my hand to participate. Was not able to decode.
  • IEP issued. The world of tutoring and being "labeled" begins.

    I was young enough that the extra help didn't bother me at this point. I had one-on-one tutors after school from 2nd grade through 11th grade. Was not a fluent reader and did not enjoy reading since it was hard. Orton-Gillingham Approach used.
  • Dance and theater are my saving grace since academics were still very hard.

    Dance and theater are my saving grace since academics were still very hard.
    Being involved and excelling in the arts helped my self esteem tremendously. Being on stage and communicating with body in dance, or taking a role in a play helped showcase my verbal communication skills.
  • Special Education/Tutoring 3X a week

    Middle school was the worst! I felt "dumb".Being pulled out for testing and put under the special education umbrella made me upset and I cried frequently. Tutoring and speech language therapy along with my dance classes kept me busy every night of the week. My reading comprehension was poor since it was a struggle to just read the words on the page.
  • IEP gone, accommodations started. High School Success!

    High school years were hard academically, but I took leadership roles in organizations and continuing in the arts helped my self esteem. Learning to highlight text, use index cards, and other "tricks" my tutor tight me, helped me get through reading textbooks.
  • Best Buddies gave me a purpose and a voice.

    Best Buddies gave me a purpose and a voice.
    Having a leadership role in this organization helped me realize my purpose in life and what I wanted to pursue as a career. Being part of the special education community myself, I saw the need and felt compassion for others similar circumstances.
  • College prep and SAT's

    Although I knew what I wanted to do, getting there was another story! SAT tutoring and accomodations did nothing to improve my scores. Stress and anxiety were a large part of my life and impacted my scores.
  • Honor Society

    Being inducted into Honor society my junior year of high school gave me a big boost. I am a "smart kid"!
  • College!

    Although the past 3 years have not been easy, I continue to persevere towards my goal. I have taken summer classes at HCC every summer break for credit towards my graduation at West Virginia University so I can graduate on time. My goal is to become an early childhood special education teacher.
  • Learning Manual Communications

    Learning Manual Communications
    I have completed American Sign Language 101 so I can help children communicate more effectively if they are disabled or have speech delays. Plan on taking part two next semester!