literacy/alex perez

  • soccer

    i read articles online on certain websites on how to play my specific position. i also read on certain ways for ball control, and conditioning.
  • listening to my dad lecture me about things i need to do better in soccer

    my dad, daily talks to me and my brother about things we could do to get better or things we did wrong on the field at practice or on the field at a game, he always chatted our heads off about what we do in the game of soccer.
  • watching soccer games in lexington

    i always catch a college soccer game in lexington to learn easier ways to play the game, it helps me learn the game more easy .
  • wrote about soccer

    in about the 7th grade the language arts class i was in with Mrs.lyons, we were assigned to write about anything that we loved to do. so i wrote about soccer.
  • listening to my brother tell me how to run the ball better

    my brother who played football before and is way better than me at running, always talks to me on ways of finding gaps to get through or the easiest way to get away from a defensive player.
  • football

    i always looked at different things online about specific ways to play my position in football. i would always find some link or something over facebook and i would always go to the link to see if they had anything about my specific position in football.
  • wrote about football in the 8th grade

    we were assigned to write about anything of our choosing for a final grade, so i chose to write about soccer.and how i love the sport.
  • talking to my mom about football

    i always talked to my mom about football because at the time i was playing i was considered a good player for the team because of my knowledge on how to run.
  • watching football games

    i always watch a football game that im able to go to and watch in person. it always helps me improve myself watching someone who knows the game better than me, i will also ask a formal player on ways i could improve my running game
  • talking to my dad about the world cup

    i talked to my dad about the world cup and who could have had a better chance of going farther or even winning, of course we disagreed on teams but still we talked about it.