Lily's Sudan Timelines

  • Period: to

    Sudan Timeline

  • Turko-Eygptian Rule of SudanICC Declares Genocide in Sudan

    Ruled Sudan and brought Arabic the language of Sudan.
  • End of Turko-Eygptian Rule of SudanICC Declares Genocide in Sudan

    British kicked them out.
  • Sudan’s Independence from Britain

    Britain kicked Egyptians out and took over Sudan
  • British Colonization of Sudan

    Britain had the North controlled Sudan because of the civil war.
  • Britain’s Southern Policy in Sudan

    Out of 800 government South got only 4 government and North got the rest.
  • 1st Civil War in Sudan

    Britain stopped the civil war and had the North control South Sudan.
  • End of 1st Civil War in Sudan

  • Oil is First Discovered in Sudan

    Oil was discovered in Southern Sudan
  • Darfur Conflict Starts

    Bashin became President of Sudan and ordered to kill Sudan
  • 2nd Civil War in Sudan

    War happened because of oil. North steals all the oil and the money from the South and South gets nothing.
  • Nimeiri Becomes President in Sudan

    Break civil war to South Sudan
  • SPLM/A is Created

    Stand for Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army. Made but got abandoned when General Omar al-Bashir took power.
  • Omar Al-Bashir Becomes President

    He and Islamic Front (NIC) takes power in military coup.
  • Major Famine

    The famine has affected 3 million people in Sudan and that made hunger to people
  • End of 2nd Civil War in Sudan