Lifetime Personal Health

  • My 20s (Part 1)

    My 20s (Part 1)
    It is important to make healthy lifestyle choices now, so that you can enjoy the rest of your years with as much bliss. Some of these decisions include following a healthy diet (getting the proper amount of protein, calcium, potassium, healthy omega-3 fats, and folic acid), staying away from smoking (this can cause serious health problems!), avoiding drugs, drinking in moderation, getting enough sleep, and avoiding accidental injuries (wear your seatbelt!).
  • My 20s (Part 2)

    My 20s (Part 2)
    You can prevent many health problems in your 20s. You can start by building bones through weight bearing execises since your bone mass peaks in your 20s, this can reduce your risk of osteoporosis. You should also protect your skin and eyes by using sunscreen with SPF 15 (or higher) and avoid tanning salons. You should also determine your family health history so that you're aware of any health problems you could be at risk at.
  • My 30s (Part 1)

    My 30s (Part 1)
    It is important to maintain a healthy balance in your 30s, because it is a time of many responsbilities and long hours. For a healthy diet you should be gettin iron, folic acid, calcium, potassium, B vitamins, vitamin D, fiber and healthy omega-3 fats from whole foods. As your metabolism slows down it is important to maintain a healthy weight and excercise 30-60 minutes most days.
  • My 30s (Part 2)

    My 30s (Part 2)
    Along with aerobic excercises you should be doing weight bearing excercies to boost you metabolism and prevent osteoporsis. Also take care of your back, becasue this is the age when pain might start to arise. It is important to focus on your mental and emotional health becuase you have a lot of responsibilities. Moderate your drinking and monitor your BMI, BP and cholestoreol levels. And don't forget to sleep! Taking 20-30 min afternoon naps can be very beneficial.
  • My 40s (Part 1)

    My 40s (Part 1)
    This is the age you should really focus on your health because this is the time to prevent common health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and types of cancers. You should be proactive and make sure to contact your health provider if you notice any changes or have questions. Common health concerns are chronic pains, stress, heart health, blood glucose, BMI, osteoporosis, and anxiety and depression. Ways to prevent those problems are to follow a balanced whole foods diet and to excercise.
  • My 40s (Part 2)

    My 40s (Part 2)
    You might also experience some skin problems, most serious of them being skin cancer, so it's important to contact a dermatologist if there are any concerns. You might also be experiencing problems with vision and hearing, which is normal but should still be looked at. You should establish a routine health care with check-ups every 2 or 3 years, eye exams every 2 years, and annual breast exam, pelvic exam and mammogram.
  • My 50s

    My 50s
    The risk of chronic health problems increases with age, but continuing to follow a healthy lifestyle can reduce those risks. Some ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle are to eat healthy, lots of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, whole grains, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and cutting back on sodium. You should also get 30-60 minutes of physical activity most days of the week and continue with weight bearing excercises to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • My 50s (Part 2)

    My 50s (Part 2)
    Not only is it important to keep your body healthy, but your mind as well. Challenging your mind by taking up a new hobby could be as beneficial. You should still maintain a healthy weight even with your metabolism slowing down. You should also get enough sleep, which can actually reduce the risk of certain health problems. There are a lot of health concerns associated with this age, so it's important to get check ups atleast every 2 years.
  • My 60s (Part 1)

    My 60s (Part 1)
    As you age, there is an increased risk for health problems, but there are several things you can do to reduce these risks. First you have to recongnize and learn about the warning signs of certain medical conditions. Then talk to your doctor about your concerns and questions. And most of all, follow your doctor's recommendations of what actions to take. It is important to protect your heart at this age, which can be done with health follow ups and screenings.
  • My 60s (Part 2)

    My 60s (Part 2)
    You should be maintaining a healthy weight, this gets harder to do with age, but by eating proper portions (of whole foods!) and getting 30 minutes of excercise most days makes it posible. Also, only drink in moderation and talk to your doctor about all the medications you take. You should also stay consistent with your recommended check ups, to ensure no problem gets out of hand.