First 2 Years Body and Mind
Piaget's 5th Stage of Sensorimotor Intelligence: Active experimentation
story: At this stage in my life, when I was about 1.5, I exemplified the "little scientist" stage. My parents told me that I was very curios of my surroundings, and would often pick things that were not my toys, like furniture and try and play with them. According to them, my favorite thing to do was go in our living room and try and climb up the shelf to reach these bells that my mom had as a decoration to play with. -
First 2 Years Social
Erikson's Trust vs. Mistrust: Extreme trust in Care-giver Story: While my Dad went to work every day my Mom stayed home to take care of me. She shared with me that I was very attached to her. She even said that I would get shy with other family members and could only be calmed down by her until I got a little older. -
Early Childhood Body and Mind
Vocabulary explosion: best time for learning grammar, pronunciation and vocab Story: At this age, I got over being shy. My parents told me that my kindergarten teacher told them I was one of the most chatty kids in the class. (Picture of my first day of kindergarten) According to them I liked to make friends with everyone on vacations, and in the grocery store. -
Early Childhood Social
Sociodramatic play: creativity emerges Story: At this age I demonstrated sociodramatic play. As an only child, it took a lot of creativity to entertain myself. I would often come up with circumstances and situations to act out for my toys, or for myself. My favorite thing to do was create a family with my littlest pet shops and make different animals the mom, dad, brother, and sister. -
Middle Childhood Body and Mind
Moral thought:
Story: At this age in elementary, and almost middle school, I remember accepting Jesus as my savior. This stage demonstrated moral thought, and my ability to make moral decisions for myself. I can remember being able to understand who God was in relation to me and what it meant for me to go to church. -
Middle Childhood Social
In about 1st grade, I moved to Florida. I remember that I enjoyed going to school for the social part, but not for the learning. I actually struggled to learn how to read, and had to go through a lot of tutoring and get extra help. -
Middle Childhood Body and Mind
Puberty Begins
Story: At this age as I was entering middle school, I began puberty. I remember my hormones were causing a variety different emotions to run through my body, and I also remember experiencing a lot of stress and confusion. -
Adolescence Social 2016-2019
Selection of Friends
Story: Once I entered high school, I was able to get into a very nice friend group. Ever since my freshman year I have had the same group of friends. I was very cautious my freshman year to chose a group of friends that had very similar interests and values. I am very grateful for this.