Physical- baby's body starts to develop; mom needs to eat healthy
Intellectual- brain and eyes develop
Emotional-control parents emotions
Social-can hear you speaking; classical music
Activities-kicking -
Physical- misshaped head, cord stump, pinkish skin
Intellectual-plays with fingers, recognizes a bottle
Emotional-crying, coos
Social-returns a smile
Activities-playful -
Physical-taller, growth rate slows down, baby fat fades
Intellectual-matching shapes and numbers
Emotional- mood swings
Social-starts saying more than a two worded sentence
Activities- walking, running, toilet training -
Physical- growth spurt, facial changes
Intellectual- ask questions, know some letters
Emotional- starting to understand feelings
Social- hits, bites, pushes other children
Activities- playing with others, using admiration -
Middle Childhood
Physical- loss of baby teeth and weight
Intellectual- can do basic math and skills
Emotional-may start being self conscious
Social- gets along with other kids
Activities- sports, books, puzzles -
Physical- needs to start worrying about their health, puberty
Intellectual- better to express feelings through talking
Emotional- moods start to change
Social- have a specific group of friends
Activities- video games, sports -
Early Adulthood
Physical- healthiest time of your life
Intellectual- makes better decisions
Emotional- stable emotions
Social- have a steady job and friends
Activities- get togethers, parties -
Middle Adulthood
Physical- wrinkles, grey hair
Intellectual- stress, loss of brain functions
Emotional- depression
Social- close friends with children
Activities- family get togethers -
Older Adulthood
Physical- bones weaken, hair loss
Intellectual- may suffer from memory loss
Emotional- mental problems
Social- closest friends are kids and grandchildren
Activities- cooking, puzzles, books