Rough date of Conception -
Not very much water in womb, ambelical cord tied in a knot and also wraped around neck. -
Birth Calgary Alberta, Canada -
1st Emotional development
First Smile -
1st cognitive development
Looked at boquet of flowers and then reached out and toched them -
2nd Emotional development
Showed attachment to mom - stranger anxiety -
1st physical development
Crawled -
2nd Cognitive development
first words -
2nd Physical Development
first steps -
3rd Physical development
Hit puberty -
3rd Cognitive development
Said no to having my first boyfriend -
3rd socioemotional development
Go to a boarding school for the first time. have class mates and teachers. (home schooled beforehand) -
4th Cognitive develpoment
reached achieving stage -
4th physical develpoment
Diagnosis of hypothyroidism -
4th socialemotional develpoment
get married -
5th cognitive development
reach executive stage -
5th socioemotional development
Have kids -
5th pysical development
Hit Menopause -
6th cognitive development
Memory loss -
6th physical development
6th sociemocinal development
Have Grandkids -