Life Span and Developement

By byron.
  • Birth

    Respirations : 40-60 Pulse: 140-160 BP: 70 systolic Temp: 98-100
    3.0-3.5 kg.
  • Period: to

    Life Span and Developement

    yeah boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  • Period: to

    Infancy 1 month- 12 months

    Period of rapid growth and significant developmental changes. His is 25% of the boy weight. Airways are smaller and more prone to obstruction, lungs prone to trauma; immune system is weak. Parent dependent, communicates by crying when wet, hungry, or tired.
  • Period: to

    Toddler 12-36 months

    , increase in muscle mass, increase in alveoli: more susceptible to minor respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Brain develops rapidly, as do motor skills; develops separation anxiety at 18 months
  • Period: to

    Preschooler 3 to 6 years

    Will have all primary teeth by age 5. Language is mastered by 36 months;
  • Period: to

    School-age Child 6-12 years

    musculoskeletal system increases in density and grows larger; permanent teeth are present ; reading and writing ; may struggle with nocturnal enuresis.
    Attends school and makes friends outside of home; interacts with adults and other children; capable of fundamental reasoning and developing problem solving skills; begins developing self-identity; understands negative feelings: able to identify public safety personell
  • Period: to

    Adolescence 12-18 years

    may experience a rapid 2- 3 year growth spurt; muscle and bone growth is nearly complete by age 18; puberty occurs (10 in girls, 12 in boys).
    Family conflicts arise and revolve around the belief that they are invulnerable; wan to be treated as adults but are incapable making adult decisions. ; develop identity and self destructive behavior; depression and suicide are most common in this age group; concerned about body image.
  • Period: to

    Early Adulthood 20- 40 years

    peak physical performance. Accidents are leading cause of death. Assume responsibility and become more independent. Establish life
  • Period: to

    Middle Adulthood 41-60

    body systems function a high level depending on life style and disease. More susceptible to chronic disease. Weight is difficult to control. Women experience menopause. Reach personal goals and reach out to help others.
  • Period: to

    Late Adulthood

    Incidence of illness increases with age. Boy systems become less efficient. Reflect on lives, may feel isolated, ashamed to ask for help; decline in self-worth; experience death and dying of companions