Life of Muhmmad

By pd20781
  • 570


    Muhammad was born in Mecca
  • 576


    muhammad's mother died
  • Aug 2, 610

    voice of god

    Muhammad hears allah speak to him.
  • Sep 2, 613

    speaking name of God

    Muhammad started to be a preacher
  • May 5, 622


    muhammad was not liked in Mecca so he moved to medinah
  • Dec 6, 630


    when muhammad was in medinah his followers slowly turned into an army and took over Mecca
  • Sep 5, 632


    muhammad converted everyone in Saudi Arabia to Islam
  • getting a job

    muhammad gets a job as a merchant.
  • marriage

    muhammad marries his wife Khadijah
  • death

    his wife died and he was sad