Life of Muhammad (By: Tim Yoo)

By timyoo
  • 570

    Muhammad is born!

    Muhammad is born!
    In 570 (year of the elephant), Muhammad was born in Mecca. His birthday is believed to be in the month of Rabi' al-awwal. He belonged to the Banu Hashim clan, part of the Quraysh tribe, and was one of Mecca's prominent families.
  • 576

    Muhammad's mother passed away....

    Muhammad's mother passed away....
    In 576, Muhammad's mother, Amina, passed away because she was very sick. Muhammad became an orphan because his father died before he was born and his mother just passed away. Then who is going to be Muhammad's guardian?
  • 578

    His grandfather and uncle decide to be Muhammad's guardian.

    His grandfather and uncle decide to be Muhammad's guardian.
    After his mother's death, Muhammad was under the guardianship of his paternal grandfather Abd al-Muttalib until he was eight years old. He then came under the care of his uncle Abu Talib, the new leader of the Banu Hashim
  • 585

    Muhammad's teenager life

    Muhammad's teenager life
    Muhammad accompanied his uncle on Syrian trading journeys. Through this, he was able to gain experiences in commercial trades. Also, during the trip, he met a Christian monk whose name is Bahira. Muhammad became a merchant and was involved in trade between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.
  • 595

    Muhammad got married!

    Muhammad got married!
    When Muhammad was 25 years old, he got married with a woman named Khadijah. She was a 40-year-old wealthy widow merchant. They eventually had total of six children (four daughters and two sons).
  • 610

    His First Revelation

    His First Revelation
    When Muhammad was 40 years old, he started to pray alone in the cave called Hira on Mout Jabal al-Nour, near Mecca. The angel Gabriel appeared to him and commanded Muhammad to recite verses that would be included in the Quran. He was deeply distressed upon receiving his first revelations.
  • 613

    Preaching to public people

    Preaching to public people
    Muhammad started to preach revelations to public people living in Mecca, saying that "God is One." He mentioned that complete "surrender" to him is the right course of action. He is a prophet and messenger of God.
  • 622

    Migrating to Medine.

    Migrating to Medine.
    Even though Muhammad did preaching, he only gained few followers and Mecca people got mad at Muhammad. Muhammad and his followers decided to migrate from Mecca to Medina in order to escape persecution. This is known as the Hijra, which is the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
  • 630

    Conquest of Mecca

    Conquest of Mecca
    In 630, Muhammad marched on Mecca with 10000 Muslim converts. This was very successful. They only had minimal casualties, and Muhammad gained control of Mecca. Most Meccan people were converted to Islam, and Muhammad destroyed all statues that are related to Arabian God.
  • Jun 8, 632


    Muhammed suffered with fever, head pain, and weakness. Few days later, he died on 8 June 632 in Medina at the age of 62. This was Muhammad's final words: "O Allah, to Ar-Rafiq Al-A'la."