life of louise dec

  • born

    I was born February 24, 2005 at Le Coudray. It was snowing a lot this day and my dad was late because of the traffic!!
  • first day at school

    first day at school
    I started school at 2 and a half in the little preschool of my city and some of the people I met this day are still in my life today.
  • first representatives' election

    first representatives' election
    In my second year of elementary school, the teacher explained to us what was a representative and what was his role. After that, she tells us that the class had to vote for two people who will represent our grade. I was really interested so I did a poster to convince people to vote for me. We were nine to run for the place and I finally won with one of my friend. It was a great day!
  • Christmas market at school

    Christmas market at school
    each year, my elementary school organized an event where families can buy some stuff that all classes did during art lessons. It can be some decoration for the tree, Christmas food, Christmas socks... The same day, all the children sing Christmas songs in front of all the parents and teachers. It was a really fun day that I enjoyed every year.
  • first day in middle school

    first day in middle school
    I was really stressed to integrate a huge school. I was leaving my little elementary school for a big rear with hundreds of students. I prayed during all holidays to be in the same class as them and when I finally saw my class, I was almost crying . I didn't know anybody and my schedules were so bad. Hopefully, I found people to stay with and i have to say that it was a really good year.
  • new York city

    new York city
    It was during Christmas time and my family was opening gifts. One of mine was a letter and I was curious to know who wrote it and what did it say. I opened it and I read the was saying that we were going to new York in May for two weeks!! I understood that my parents made me the surprise and that It would be my first time in USA!! I was so excited, this Christmas was the best I had .
  • dancing party

    dancing party
    each year, my middle school organized lots of events to collect money for an association. This year in May, they announced the preparation of a big show in a famous theater where students can participate if they have any talent (music, gym, dance, sing....) I wanted to take this opportunity to dance with my best friend. In March, we passed the auditions and we were accepted! When we dance in front of everyone at the end of the year, I was so happy, it was so fun!
  • London

    I went to London when i was 14 during Christmas time. I remember that it was really cold but so pretty. I saw the big ben, the big wheel, the subway.... All the streets were so clean and people so fancy, it was a really nice trip.
  • covid

    It was March 13, my family knew that the president was going to deliver a speech at the TV but anybody really knew what was it about. We discovered pretty fast that school was going to be stopped, shops closed, people grounded... and all of these rules for the next two months. This was the beginning of a new life for everyone.
  • departure for Arizona

    departure for Arizona
    I remember leaving my parents and my brother at the airport, it was so hard. We were all crying in the middle of the line and I knew that being without them will be the most difficult thing in my new life in USA but I was ready to go and excited about all the things I was going to discover and learn there.