Life of a Knight

  • 1071

    1071: Battle

    1071: The Battle of Manzikert sees the Seljuk Turks defeating the Byzantine Empire, leading to the loss of significant Byzantine territories in Anatolia. This weakened Byzantine control in the region, impacting the stability of the Holy Land.
  • 1095

    1095: Control

    1095: Pope Urban II delivers the speech at the Council of Clermont, calling for the First Crusade. This speech urged Christians to take up arms and reclaim the Holy Land from Muslim control.
  • 1099

    1099: Crusaders

    1099: The Crusaders, after a long and bloody siege, capture Jerusalem during the First Crusade. This leads to the establishment of Crusader states in the Levant.
  • 1147

    1147: Recapturing

    1147-1149: The Second Crusade, led by European kings like Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany, ends in disappointment with failed attempts to recapture territories lost to the Muslims.
  • 1187

    1187: Hattin

    1187: The pivotal Battle of Hattin takes place where Saladin's forces defeat the Crusaders, leading to the recapture of Jerusalem. This prompts Pope Gregory VIII to call for the Third Crusade to reclaim the city.
  • 1189

    1189: Philip 2

    1189-1192: Philip II of France, Richard I of England (The Lionheart) and Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor lead the Third Crusade. They took back many territories from Saladin but failed to win back Jerusalem.
  • 1202

    1202: Fourth Crusade

    1202-1204: Pope Innocent III declares the Forth Crusade to take back Jerusalem
  • 1204

    1204: Divisions

    1204: During the Fourth Crusade, instead of reaching the Holy Land, the Crusaders sack Constantinople, weakening the Byzantine Empire and causing divisions among Christians.