Life Map Presentation

By hkaur56
  • Growing up in India

    Growing up in India
    In this photo, I just turned 1 years old in Punjab, India. My parents sent me to India from the US because they could not afford to stay home to take care of me since they were both immigrants. I am lucky they did this, since I was able to grow up with my grandparents and cousins. I was also able to learn more about my culture and language.
    Exo Level: immigration policies, employment opportunities, and access to social services influenced my family's financial stability and options
  • Going through puberty

    Going through puberty
    I came back to the US when I was 5 years old. In this photo, I am 11 years old. Since I came from an ethnic background, I looked different than the other kids in my class. My nose was bigger, I had a unibrow, I had upper lip and other facial hair. Because of this, I was bullied a lot by my classmates. It was also difficult due to my parents not being okay with me removing hair off my body. This affected my self-esteem and my ability to make friendships with others.
    Mezzo Level
  • Turning 18

    Turning 18
    In this photo, I am in India celebrating my older cousin's wedding. I have just started my first year in college, and also entered my first romantic relationship. It was really hard balancing school and a love life. This was because my parents had restricted me from having a social life outside of school all the way up until high school. When I was 18, I was told to start paying my bills and paying for school. Due to this, my grades suffered.
    Macro: Cultural factors
  • Stability

    This photo is me now at age 24. I have just started my MSW while working full time. The relationship I entered into when I was 18 was very toxic but I am finally free from its shackles. I am finally prioritizing myself and doing/buying things that make me happy. All the events in my life has caused me to become an emotionally mature person who makes it a priority for there to be a balance in life. I am genuinely happy and am continuing to grow as a person.
    Micro: contentment