Brian is born - Welcome to Blue Collar Lane!
This family consists of farmers and factory workers that are not aware of a 40 hour work week. Work is done, with quality, whenever it needs to be done. Complaining gets you no where. Doing the job until it is done right is the only way recognized. -
Period: to
Life Map
LifeMapBS -
Rural Route Sprout: Fighting to survive on the farm.
This is where I became a learner. We worked tremendously hard at knowing how to do things and doing so to benefit all in the family. As our family grew bigger it was realized at this point that the family needed to relocate to better meet the needs of all. -
Presidential Appointment: Secretary of Exploration
At this new address the Sprout children were allotted the opportunity to learn and achieve doing what most young children did. We played sports, rode bikes, created forts with friends, found trouble, ran away from trouble, and built up our passion to compete and the drive to be successful. -
Career Exploration: Already?
It was 4th grade, the 30 minute class was called Minnesota History, and we were studying the Dakota. At this point I went home to my parents and said to them,"I think I would like to teach about this stuff some day." My journey towards becoming a social studies teacher began as my interest in the topics within the discipline grew and grew. -
Imperfection Avenue: Math is not my friend!
Seventh grade math brought about my greatest fear - failure. The teacher was strict, no nonsense, and not a big fan of minimalists. The content was difficult and my mind struggled to connect the growing levels of the discipline. My work ethic was challenged. This was the first moment in my educational career where it was not 'easy'. It was the first opportunity for me to learn how to work and become consistent. In the end I survived! -
Love of a Lifetime? Already?
It was 22 years ago that a young lady finally said she would 'go out' with me. Junior high was a three year span where I found trouble, got out of it, and did just fine in school. The girl that I barely knew, but saw as she exited school one day, would soon be the calming sky following just about every storm that I created for years to come. -
Discipline: Learning to Lead
Playing and excelling at three sports pushed me into opportunities to lead. Reflecting back one could see that many of my performances in those positions lacked humility, grace, sensitivity, and much more. Yet it was the beginning of a great opportunity to learn how to lead others successfully. -
Community Ambassador: Star athlete chooses high academic school!
My strength as an achiever provided me opportunity to do something I never dreamed of. As a standout athlete there were multiple colleges showing interest in me that previously never entered into my mind (let alone did I even know where they were). Fortunately I was able to use my abilities to gain financial support and attend a college that few of my classmates could consider in St. Olaf. It put me on a new path in my mind that no other school would have taken me. -
Lifelong professional dream: Door 1
The highest level of discipline I could develop came through the game of baseball. St. Olaf allowed me to be productive as a student, identify the steps needed to develop further, and to actually follow through on them. It was here where my life changed forever and a dream became a reality. My first professional baseball contract was signed and I was afforded the opportunity to chase a childhood dream! -
The girl I met in junior high graciously accepted my proposal of marriage and we exchanged vows. She is the calm to my storm and a person that I have become a servant leader to. We are committed to each others ideas and willing to sacrifice for the good of the team. -
Lifelong Professional Dream: Door 2
Going way back to the fourth grade, and my passion for the curricular area of social studies, brought about 2008 and my first year as a full time educator. What a whirlwind that ensued with teaching for one year at a private school, two years at a struggling public middle school, and five years at a very demanding high school. -
Building Professional Perspective
My role as a social studies teacher and the varsity baseball coach in our district has provided opportunity to learn through successes and failures. Perspective as to what a great leader exemplifies really started to form for me at this point. Poor leadership at the high school level, along with tough learning experiences on my end, led to distrust. New leadership arrived and provided for me a foundation of encouragement to grow and learn in order to guide others in a meaningful way. -
Teeter Totter of Life
Everyone gets busy. Marriage, family, work, and more! We were blessed with a boy and a girl that have placed expectations on us to make every day the greatest day ever! They are a constant reminder that family comes first and we must continually serve each other, prioritize commitments, and love! -
Redefining Role: Serving my past
My youth provided me with glowing examples of individuals who gave themselves to their community and asked of nothing in return. My parents, coaches, and teachers continually showed me the importance of giving back to others whenever opportunity was there. The strength of context built within me is now reflected in donations, time given to assist, and knowledge contributed to my home town and college. -
Adding on to my professional house!
A fork in the road has presented itself. Through my years of work in education and communities the opportunity to pursue a different level of educational leadership starts. My desire to earn licensure in administrational leadership through Bethel University is one that allows me to entertain where the next chapter of my professional life will go. It will either reaffirm my desire to be who I am now (teacher/coach) or it may fuel my passion to lead in a different way. -
Future Aspirations!
My future will be focused on continuous movement forward and upward in all areas of life (hence the flying car picture). For family I want to contribute towards our growing family with increased traveling and staying very active together. Friends will stay a big part of my life through focused contributions towards their interests and serving them however I can. Professionally my passion will guide me to never be happy with a spot. Passion will move me to the next path for me to serve others.