Life Events

  • birth

    I was born on January 21st, 2000 at the banner hospital in Phoenix, Arizona. My mother named me Leonardo after the famous artist because she was always into art. She even said that i came with a smile on my face.
  • First day of Kindergarden

    First day of Kindergarden
    I started Kindergarden on August 10th,2005. My first school was Lehi Elementary in Mesa. I always though this to be important was because I had to experience school and interacting with others for the first time in my life.
  • All of 6th Grade

    All of 6th Grade
    6th grade was a very special and important year for me, this was the time where i felt like i could go places and be someone. Sadly that changed as the year progressed due to internal family conflict. I always did try my best to be optimistic and positive in school despite the problems home gave me.
  • First day of middle school

    First day of middle school
    This was the time Everything changed, The grading systems were different, multiple classes instead of just one, different teachers with different experiences, etc.. I loved being at school however, it gave me the biggest opportunity to learn and discover new things.
  • Promotion from 8th grade to highschool

    Promotion from 8th grade to highschool
    Promotion night was very special and dear to my heart, it not only was a transition into semi- adulthood but was also a feat of accomplishment. The practicing reminded me of how my sister's graduation went and I couldn't be happier to do it on my own someday.
  • First day of High School

    First day of High School
    My first day at Westwood was pretty scary to be honest, I had a sort of pre-fear that I would get picked on by the Seniors since I was new blood. I was wrong to believe it, Most of the seniors i ran into my first day were very friendly and helping and made me happy to be here.
  • My Accident...

    My Accident...
    This day will always haunt my memory, On the day of November 2nd I was hit by a car on school grounds and left a scar on my leg. It was after school and I was waiting on my mom to pick me up. I was just standing out in the open when all of a sudden i saw a truck swerve into me. Everything went black at this point and I thought that it was all over, that i had been killed by the driver. Next thing i know i'm waking up in the ER with doctors all around me. I ended up with 26 stitches that night..
  • Coming back to school

    Coming back to school
    After spending 3 months in the hospital with constant therapies and such I was ready to come back to school. I remember walking back into class and seeing complete shock from everyone in the room. I smiled and said hi to everyone. It made me feel good to know that people were concerned about me.
  • My First Job

    My First Job
    My first and current job is at Chipotle, I started working there about 2 years now and i couldn't enjoy it anymore than i already do. They constantly push me to be successful and it is a great work environment.
  • Getting my Permit

    Getting my Permit
    I got my permit not too long ago and let me tell you it is really nice to be able to drive around on my own and do things on my own. I Love to drive around and do things with friends and family. I plan on getting my licence soon as soon as i believe that i'm prepared for my driving test.