Jan 1, 1300
The three Popes
Critics claims that the Catholicism used the historical of the three Popes, claims that the Catholic Church is false. The council Pope decides to choose a second Pope after they had already elected a Pope. They did this because they didn't like the policies of the first Pope. http://www.northforest.org/CatholicApologetics/3Popes.html -
Jan 1, 1301
Papal Schism
Many people felt like the kings kept controlling the Church. The king tried to fix the French building. The pope kept harassing the king and the pope went to jail. Martin Luther and Reformation -
Jan 1, 1321
The Divine Comedy
It was written by Dante. It's divided into 3 major parts, Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. https://www.britannica.com/topic/The-Divine-Comedy -
Jan 1, 1415
Saint George
Donatello carved the Saint George with a confident posture. It's in the building of Orsanmichele. He was the patron saint and known as a military figure. http://www.italianrenaissance.org/donatellos-st-george/ -
Jan 1, 1422
The Basilica di san lorenzo
It was built by Filippo Brunelleschi but Giovanni de’ Medici payed him to build it. It's called the Old Sacristy, was the first cultural and artist message of the early Renaissance. The painting is in the dome. It shows a bunch of stars and ties science into art. http://brunelleschi.imss.fi.it/itineraries/place/BasilicaOfSanLorenzo.html -
Jan 1, 1425
It's a stringed keyboard instrument which the strings are plucked to produce sound. It has a wing-shaped body, It's narrower and long, the inner bracing are normally lighter. http://www.baroque-music.com/harpsichord.html -
Jan 1, 1434
The Medici
They were a wealthy family. They owned a bank. They took over Florence. The Medici were patrons who payed artists and scientists. Lorenzo payed Leonardo di Vinci to do some work. Medici Reading & Review -
Jan 1, 1495
The last supper painting
Leonardo da Vinci painted the last supper on the wall in the hall of the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy. He painted it for Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan.There are about 13 people in the painting and the person that's in the middle is Jesus. It's a religious scene of Jesus and the Apostles at the Last Supper. http://arthistory.about.com/cs/leonardo/a/last_supper.htm -
Jan 1, 1503
Mona Lisa painting
Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa is an oil painting on a popular wooden panel. This painting is the world's most popular painting. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mona-Lisa-painting -
Jan 1, 1512
Sistine Chapel
In the 13 century Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel. It's a place gathering for the cardinals. The ceiling is painted blue and covered with golden stars. http://www.italianrenaissance.org/a-closer-look-michelangelos-painting-of-the-sistine-chapel-ceiling/ -
Jan 1, 1517
Selling indulgences
John Tetzel sold the indulgences for a German noble and Pope Leo the 10. Martin Luther's posting of the "95 Theses" in Wittenburg. http://courses.wcupa.edu/jones/his101/web/37luther.htm -
Oct 31, 1517
Luther writes the 95 theses document
The 95 theses is about Luther making questions and he had problems with the church. http://www.history.com/topics/martin-luther-and-the-95-theses -
Jan 1, 1519
leonardo-da-vinci's machine gun
He drew a picture of a machine gun, it's a 33-barrelled organ. The gun is not like the modern machine guns. It is meant to fire bullets from a single gun. The gun was never built or used in a warfare.
He died in 1519 and they found his note book with all his inventions. http://historylists.org/other/9-incredible-leonardo-da-vinci-inventions.html -
Jul 1, 1520
Pope Leo X gives out the papal bull to Luther
Luther's theses went against the church and people weren't happy about it. The pope gave out the papal bull that says the 95 theses were heretic. http://www.history.com/topics/martin-luther-and-the-95-theses -
Apr 17, 1521
Diet of Worms
Luther refused to take back what he has said. So the Holy Roman Emperor made an order against Luther, his writings were burnt. http://www.history.com/topics/martin-luther-and-the-95-theses -
Galileo Scientific Discoveries
He built his first telescope and began making observations. Galileo published his first results, described the highlands and "seas" of the moon, four of Jupiter's largest moons, and many new stars. http://solar-center.stanford.edu/galileo/ -
Hurdy Gurdy
It's a stringed instrument, the strings are rubbed by a rosined wheel instead of a bow. Many people thinks it's a wind instrument because it sounds like a bagpipe, because of the strings. It sounds a little like a fiddle, because it's a bowed string instrument. http://www.hurdygurdy.com/faq.htm -
The Lute
The lute was the most popular instrument in the Western world. The lute was traveled into Europe during the time of the Crusades. http://www.ronnmcfarlane.com/a-brief-history-of-the-lute -
The Medici
The last Medici died without an heir. Cosimo died after thirty years, his son and grandson continued the policies. Florence became the most beautiful cities on the Italian peninsula, as a center of the Renaissance. Medici Reading & Review