Having trouble finding a friends
I taked to more people and started being social. Getting out of my shyness. -
My cousin dies from cancer
At first it was kind of unreal that she was gone and might never come back. It did not feel like I would never see her face again. Then, I feel relized, or got it though my head she was gone. I started to play my clarinet alot over time period, to help me cope with the loss. -
Makes a goal play outside more
I started to play outside alot more. It makes me feel out more engeried. -
I have diabetes in my genes
My grandmother has diabetes, so it si really close to me. So, I dont get diabetes, I have to watch what I eat, excersie more, make sure I am get enough of everything with each type of food. -
My dad losses his job at Chrysler
I started to get headaches from all the stress in the house, tring to find a way to get money. To releave the stress I started to play the clarinet, and as I got better to help my cope with all the problems in the house. I really made me feel relaxed. -
My friend trys to drive home drunk
I really don't my frined to drive drunk, so I take the keys away from her. I tell her that she could have an acciedent and that could effect her life forever. Also, could hurt someone else and even got to jail for it. She finally decides to let me drive her home, because I did not drink at all. -
My Uncle started somking again
I am very worried that he might get cancer, have a heart attack, or even have a stroke. -
My best friends started to drink around me and on the weekends
I am very concered that they coould have an accident drinking and driving. Also, they could drink to much maybe die. Next, I am concered that they might themselves, or other. They might even infulence other to start drinking. -
Sick with the flu
I am very sick, and could not go to school , because I have the flu. To get rid of this stupid virus I drink lots of fluids, eat the proper nutrition, and get alots of rest. Next I am going to make sure I wash my hands more often,get a flu vaccination, and watch what I touch. -
So tip my parents gave for being abstinent is want till your married. Don't do it because other people are doing it. Finally, if a man loves you he can wait for you. It is not a rush. -
Some mental and emotional thing that happen are it is easier to remeber things, andto understand differnet point of views.