Timeline Assignment

  • Born in Markham Stouffville Hospital

    Born in Markham Stouffville Hospital
    -Lived in Markham, Canada for all of my childhood
    -Life Event: Opened many chances in life
    -Social Role: Became a daughter, sister, cousin
  • Started Kindergarten at Castlemore Public School

    Started Kindergarten at Castlemore Public School
    -I could interact with others my age and learned things
    -Cohort: Experienced this with others my age
    -Social Institutions: Started to go to school
    -Social Role: Became a student and had duties
  • Began attending Chinese school

    Began attending Chinese school
    -Gave me a chance to learn more Chinese
    -Cohort: Majority of classmates did the same
    -Social institutions: Enrolled in a new school
  • Made my First Friend

    Made my First Friend
    -Opened opportunities to form relationships
    -Cohort: People my age would be doing the same
    -Social Norms: Learned to respect others
    -Social institutions: Part of attending school
  • Got a Pet Turtle

    Got a Pet Turtle
    -Learned responsibility to care for a pet
    -Social Role: Became a pet owner
    -Life Events: Got a new pet
  • Started Extracurricular Activites

    Started Extracurricular Activites
    -Performed activities like swimming lessons, Taekwondo and art classes
    -Social Institutions: These activities took place in different community centres
    -Cohort: Most of my classmates were also taking similar classes
    -Role Conflict: Struggled with some of the classes
  • Diagnosed with Learning Disability

    Diagnosed with Learning Disability
    -Impacted my learning and career path in the future
    -Life event: Learned information about myself that influenced my future
    -Social Institutions: This involved the support of the school and other organizations
  • Got Braces

    Got Braces
    -Improved the state of my teeth
    -Life Event: First time getting a dental procedure
    -Cohort: People in my grade were also getting it
  • Bullied

    -Changed my personality and made what I am today
    -Impacted my choices of relationships
    -Role Strain: Interfered with my personal life and my school life
  • Took off my Braces

    Took off my Braces
    -Able to continue with the treatment of my teeth
    -Life Event: Finished a step of the teeth fixing process
  • Period: to

    Volunteered in Chinese school

    -Experienced volunteering and gave me idea of the things I like/dislike
    -Cohort: Other volunteers are students
    -Social role: Formed a role as a volunteer
  • Started High School

    Started High School
    -Was able to experience new things and form more relationships
    -Life Event: Graduated from a chapter of my life
    -Cohort: People the same grade as me also started high school
    -Social institutions: Switched schools
    -Transition: I went from one level of education to the other
  • Went to my First Concert

    Went to my First Concert
    -Went to an Ariana Grande concert with my sister
    -Life Event: First time I experienced going to a concert
  • Period: to

    Started Co-op Placement in the Children’s Place

    -Able to get a idea of how the workplace and retail store works
    -Cohort: Classmates also started their placement
    -Role Strain: Had a hard time balancing my responsibilities in personal life and as a student
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
    -Gave me chances for the future (education)
    -Life Event: Allowed me to pursue my education path in College
  • Attended Seneca College

    Attended Seneca College
    -I will be receiving the required education to pursue my career path
    -Know how college life will be (living away from home, expenses)
    -Life Event: Get to feel what it's like to be a college student
    -Cohort: Other people my grade will be doing the same
    -Transition: Will be moving from high school to post-secondary education
  • Get Laser Eye Surgery

    Get Laser Eye Surgery
    -Life Event: First time having a permanent procedure
  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
    -Life Event: Allow me pursue my career path
    -Transition: Prompts me to change my lifestyle
  • Get a Full-time job in the field

    Get a Full-time job in the field
    -Get to pursue my career choice
    -Life Event: Getting a job out of College
    -Cohort: Classmates are also finding jobs
    -Transition: Experienced change in daily life
  • Get into a Relationship

    Get into a Relationship
    -Life Event: First time being romantically involved with someone
    -Transition: Starting a relationship with someone else
  • Get married

    Get married
    -Life Event: Creates a bond for the rest of the life
    -Transition: Marrying someone is moving on to another environment and life
  • Buy a House

    Buy a House
    -Life Event: First time owning a house
    -Cohort: Individuals around my age will be doing the same
    -Transition: Results in a big change in life
  • Buy Car

    Buy Car
    -Life Event: First time owning a car
  • Period: to

    Travel to Asia

    -Life Event: Will be learning languages and experiencing the culture of each country
  • Period: to

    Have a Dog

    -Transition: Changing lifestyle for the pet
    -Social Roles: Became a dog owner
    -Role Strain: Conflict with the responsibility as a worker and the duties of personal life
  • Retire

    -Cohort: Most people around this age, will retire and live a peaceful life
    -Life event: This allows me to settle down for the rest of my life
    -Transition: Quit work and spend rest of my life resting
  • Period: to

    Volunteer in different organizations

    -Life Event: Contribute to society after retiring
    -Social Norms: Respect and assist others
  • Period: to

    Grow a Garden

    -Life Event: Enjoying nature and caring for it
  • Death

    -Life Event: Death occurs