I was born on april 18, 1991 -
FIrst Baseball game
My Father took me to my first New York Mets game. From that moment on ive been a huge fan -
Grandmother and Grandfather pass
Both of my grandparents on my Mothers side past simultaneously within a month. It was a tough time for my whole family including me. I was very close to both of them. -
Being from New Jersey and still being young i couldnt comprehend exactly what was happening around me. However i new it was something serious because school was let out in the middle of the day and i could tell my parents were extremely worried. Looking back on the event now being older i truly understand the severity of this event. -
My parents got our family a dog who we decided to call "Rocco". Through the next couple of years in my life i became very close with my dog. No matter what was happening around me he was always there. -
I was able to graduate highschool and new that this was the beginning of my future life. Though i would not see certain people again i was excited to see where life would bring me. My parents were now pushing me to get out of New Jersey and go live with my brother in Arizona. -
After being told by my parents that i needed to move to Arizona with my brother it finally happened. I enrolled in SCC(Scottsdale Community College) and started my college education. It was a tough transition but looking back on it now it was probably the best thing for me. -
Snowden leak
Edward Snowden a former CIA agent leak's information on how the goverment is listening to all of our phone call's, and watching us on our computers among other things. Though he is viewed as a "traitor" by our goverment he pulled back a curtain on the unconstitutional things our goverment is getting away with. This could be the beginning of more serious information to come out. -
After some tough time in my life i was able to get accepted into ASU. I am now a resident of Arizona so my tuition is cheaper as well. My parents are very proud of me and there expectations now are for me to finish my education and get a job when finished.