
  • Period: to


  • first time i walked

    now i could do anything i wanted, there was no one who could tell me otherwise.
  • first brother is born

    im not the only child now.
  • sister was born

    got a sister lets see what happens
  • trent was born

    who knew he could be so annoying
  • birthday party my dad got my first bike

    birthday party my dad got my first bike
  • first time i seen my grandma in a longtime

    i ran too a wall on accident and she laughed .
  • twin towers go down

    i was at the house and didnt kno what was goin on
  • i moved with my dad for a year and i went to indiana

    it was fun but then i start missing my mom
  • first basketball game

    ive never beein so nervous in my life
  • twin brothers are born

    twins thats great
  • first time i moved

    i dont know how to make new friends
  • first time i moved too kentucky

    ive never seen that many moutains till i moved
  • first time i lived in indianapolis

    i finaly got to live where all the big malls are
  • my dad takes me shopping by myself for the first time

    he finaly leaves my brothers and sisters so we could go
  • got caught in a blizzard in marion,indiana

    my grandma told me and my cousin to come home but we didnt. one hour later it started snowin when we decided to start walking home.we didnt think it was anything until it started to snow harder and harder,so we started to run home and got in trouble for stayin out so long.
  • first fight

    my brother trent comes up too me crying and he tellls me my friend hit him,so i walked to his house and told him to come say sorry but he didnt. we fought in the road and it broke up because we bout got hit by a car.
  • first time in iss

  • first time i drove a car by myself

    wasnt nervous but my mom was at first
  • my moms birthday surprise party

    funny she got scared and fell
  • got in trouble with the police for the first time

    was scared of my grandma more then the cop
  • freshman basketball season

    i wasnt good at all till the end of the season,my team got put out the tournement the first round.
  • first time i bought my own shoes i wanted with money i saved

    i finaly saved money and didint spend it on junk
  • i road a mowped for the first time

    fun never rode that fast on something like that
  • first real job

    first paying job ever i selled candy out of my grandmas shop. she didnt pay me much but it was great.
  • first time i started basketball

    bout time the worked payed off
  • took my first permit test

    failed was pretty mad at myself for not trying my hardest
  • first time in the paper

    i didnt know i was in the paper until my mom told me i was happy for a moment then i just left the room feeling normal.
  • firstbasketball allstar game i played in

    not nervous but happy i could do it
  • i dropped a laptop in class

    i thought i was dreamin or somehin didnt know it really happedned till i looked down
  • finished my first time toast timeline

  • king was born

    another brother just what will happen