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Lessons Learned throughout Kayla's Life

  • Swimming

    Swimming is an essential skill to have, especially when you live in Florida. When I was two my mother signed me up for swim lessons and to this day I still know how to swim.
  • Shoe Tying

    Shoe Tying
    My father taught me how to try my shoes. It took me about two hours to fully understand all the concepts. I have come a long way since then and can tie my shoes in far less than two hours.
  • Riding a bike

    Riding a bike
    Learing how to ride a bike started with training wheels, but eventually my father took those off and taught me how to ride without them. I fell off the bike many times. Don't worry I was wearing not only a hemlet but kneepads, elbow pads, and wrist protectors also.
  • Remembering my Birthday

    Remembering my Birthday
    This was a very tough thing for me to remember. One day my parents and I sat in their room and they told me my birthday, then they asked me when my birthdaty was. I couldn't remeber the date. We went over it for like an hour and after many tears, I finally remembered my birthday. (It's Feb 26th 1998 btw)
  • Sewing

    My mother was always sewing cute costumes or dresses or other little things for us, so I told her I wanted to learn also. She signed my older sister, Hannah, and I up to take kids sewing class at Joann's. We made pajamma pants and a pillow case. Now I can sew all sorts of things.
  • How to sail

    How to sail
    I attended a sailing camp with my sisters. I learned all about how the sails work and how to rig the boat I was going to be sailing for the next to weeks. Click here to learn some basics
  • Beware of the boom

    Beware of the boom
    Okay so picture this, I'm at sailing camp sailing in my littel opti, I go to tack and whack the boom hits me in the head. I only did this a couple times before I relized that I need to duck down more.
  • Baking

    My mother is great at baking stuff ,so I would always help her because you get to eat the dough and also I liked mixing and seeing how all the ingredients could come together and make somthing yummy. My favorite thing to bake is probably pumpkin bread, but I also like cakes, cookies, and brownies also. Need a new recipe?
  • Fire

    Istarted going to camp and at Camp Crestridge we build lots of fires and such because fires are fun to build. I am basically a fire building pro now.If you want to learn how to build a fire correctly click here
  • Driving

    I got my license on my 15th birthday. My mother was with me when I first drove. I didn't run into anything/anyone, so that's good. I am now a superb driver and don't need my mother to drive with me anymore because I have my own car and permenant driving license.Here are some safe driving tips