Learnt how to live without mothers umbilical cord
On this lovely day i was born and had to quickly learn how to live without my umbilical cord. I had to rapidly find a way to get nourishment and had to figure out how to use my lungs so i let out a mighty roar fortelling everyone i was well and to feed me. -
Other people are not scary monster
Today was my first day of kidergarten where i learned that other people arent monsters trying to get but infact are very kind and helpful. Especiallay when i miss my mommy and am crying for her wanting her to hold me and keep me safe from the other children. -
Biking isnt that hard
I fell countless times before i realised i had to pedal forward to keep my balance. So there i go wearing all the protective gear my mo could find. Made it about four pedal rotations before i fell on my face, but i didnt feel it as i was way to happy about my successs. -
Soccer is tough
Played soccer for the first time today and learnt that it is ridiculously simple to fall over a ball the size of a human head. Soccer is hot, tiring, and requires constant attetion otherwise you will get benched. I think it is the best sport even though it is so very demanding -
Movies can be addictive
I saw the first fast & furious with my dad today. The rest of the day all i could think about was racing cars and being cool like Dom. From then on i was hooked on the fast & furious movies as they are all amazing and keep my attetion. -
How to fly
Even though flying is terrifying for some people for me it is a blast. Today i had my first instrucional flight and i loved every second of it, it was a bit scary being in a small wobbly plane but after a few min it became calming and made me feel like a bird flying over the clouds -
Highschool isnt all that bad
video about highschool
People at BV are actually friendly and arent trying to eat your head off. They will help you if you need and will guide you where your next class is if you are a freshman. -
Learners permit
I have driven before but not on the offical streets. Today i got my lerners permit after completing a two pronged test about driving. Drove for the first time legally, with my dad next to me, to school after leaving school for my permit. -
AP classes
First day of Ap classes. Ive never had AP classes before my senior year and that was mostly due to me being afraid of them. Had i known that there was nothing to be afraid of and that the classes were actually better than honors id have taken Ap since freshman year. -
Not to get hurt by loved ones
On this fateful labor day i figured out that i shouldnt take everything a loved one says persoall when they are angry or upset. I learnt this the hard way by ruining a couldve been perfect end to the long weekend ad in turn getting my feelings hurt.